Alex McFarland

Alex McFarland

Op-ed contributor


  • The World Needs More (Pope) Benedicts

    As the world bids a final adieu to Pope Benedict XVI and Conclave is called to elect a successor, I am reminded that the state of our world mandates the appointment of a successor who will display similar strengths of conviction. The theological and moral conviction displayed by Benedict in the Papal office should be a lesson for Christian leaders worldwide, and is needed by the next Catholic leader as well.

  • Life: Sacred in All Contexts

    Ash Wednesday, February 13, 2013, also marked the start of the 2013 national 40 Days for Life event, which is a time of prayer, fasting, and intercession to help end abortion. As I reflect on the need for this event and the 1973 decision that promulgated it, I see a dire need to elevate the view of human life in American society. American culture has historically understood that God is sovereign, truth is absolute, and morals are unchanging because they are based on God's standards. Today, howev