Brittany Smith
Christian Post Reporter
Malaria Affects Almost Half of the World's Population; New Tool Developed to Fight It
Imagine if a little cube could help save the lives of one million children every year. E3 Resource has staff in Africa this week working with more than 50 leaders from Kenya and surrounding regions talking about the life-saving possibilities of the MalariaCube.
Komen Not Off the Hook Yet, Says Pro-Life Group
Pro-life and family groups are celebrating the Susan G. Komen Foundation's decision to cut ties with Planned Parenthood this week. But Douglas R. Scott Jr., president of Life Decisions International, a Planned Parenthood watchdog group, says not so fast.
Pro-Life Groups Laud Susan G. Komen for Cutting Ties With Planned Parenthood
Susan G. Komen, one of the largest breast cancer charities in the U.S., has cut ties with Planned Parenthood. Pro-life and family groups are celebrating the move.
Pastors Conference: Manhood, the Church, and Growing Leaders
Day two of Desiring God ministry's annual conference continued at the Minneapolis Convention Center Tuesday with author and speaker Darrin Patrick, who spoke about building and training men for local missions, in a culture where many males are stuck in arrested development.
Pastors Conference Explores Manhood Through Fatherhood
A man is a portrait of what has been invested in him, said Crawford Loritts, pastor of Fellowship Bible Church in Roswell, Ga., said at Desiring God ministry's annual conference today.
Super Bowl: Volunteers Prepare to Stop Pimps, Sex Traffickers
The Super Bowl is one of America's largest sporting events, and also one of the largest sex-trafficking events. Thousands of girls, many under-aged, will be brought to Indiana for the game on Feb. 5.
Thousands Join Brooklyn Bridge March to Protest Ban on Churches Renting Schools
Some 3,500 people marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to City Hall Park Sunday in protest of the ban on churches renting New York City's public schools on the weekends.
Did the Media Forget About the March for Life?
Both the West Coast Walk for Life and the D.C. March for Life hosted large rallies to commemorate the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade this week. Organizers say the former drew over 40,000 participants, and the latter, 400,000, but neither event drew much coverage from major media outlets.
Church 'Murder Board' Raises Awareness of Violent Crimes
A church in New Orleans is raising awareness about violence in their community by posting a "Murder Board" outside of their building. The names listed on the board read something like this: Jan. 6, Keian Ester, 11, shot.
Pastors on 'Burnout:' We Forget We're Human
Every pastor is susceptible to burnout, Wayne Cordeiro, pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship, told a group of seven influential church leaders Wednesday.