Chuck Bentley

Chuck Bentley

CP Guest Contributor

Chuck Bentley is CEO of Crown Financial Ministries, a global Christian ministry, founded by the late Larry Burkett. He is the host of a daily radio broadcast, My MoneyLife, featured on more than 1,000 Christian Music and Talk stations in the U.S., and author of his most recent book, Seven Gray Swans: Trends that Threaten Our Financial Future. Be sure to follow Crown on Facebook.


  • Ask Chuck: When a church needs a financial turnaround

    Ask Chuck: When a church needs a financial turnaround

    I am a new elder at our mid-sized church, serving on the finance committee. I’ve learned that our church is on the verge of financial trouble. We need a turnaround to survive the next five years. Can you give me some counsel from your experience helping churches?

  • Ask Chuck: Credit card debt and eternity

    Ask Chuck: Credit card debt and eternity

    My elderly father recently asked why so many young people have credit card debt. He commented, “Seems like they’re so preoccupied with the present they can’t think about their future?” Can you give me some facts and insights to prepare me for my next talk with him?

  • Ask Chuck: Become a long-term investor

    Ask Chuck: Become a long-term investor

    My wife and I have lived frugally from the day we married. As a result, we have no debt, except for low monthly house payments. Could you give me some advice on proper goals for our long-term investing?

  • Ask Chuck: Is your car driving you to the poor house?

    Ask Chuck: Is your car driving you to the poor house?

    I’m in a pickle. My wife and I both drive very nice cars. The problem is that I’ve fallen behind on payments, and my wife doesn’t know it. Should I sell the car?

  • Ask Chuck: Is it wise to get a second mortgage?

    Ask Chuck: Is it wise to get a second mortgage?

    We want to renovate our home by using some of the equity we’ve accumulated. Our home is in a highly desirable area and has tripled in value. We have several years left on our current mortgage. How can we be good stewards of this renovation?

  • Ask Chuck: Transitioning out of a miserable job

    Ask Chuck: Transitioning out of a miserable job

    My wife is miserable with her job, but unfortunately, her income is needed at this time to pay off a lot of debt. We need some guidance for a career transition, as her nerves are frayed every day.

  • Ask Chuck: Freedom from financial fears

    Ask Chuck: Freedom from financial fears

    I have the opportunity to buy a home from an older couple who needs to move to a retirement/assisted living situation. It’s a great house — one we can easily afford. The problem is that our home was foreclosed on in 2008 due to the Great Financial Crisis. Although we have recovered financially, I am occasionally plagued with fears of making another mistake. It was a major strain on my marriage … Should I go ahead and buy it?

  • Beware of buy now, pay later debt

    Beware of buy now, pay later debt

    I heard “buy now, pay later” data will soon be reported to credit bureaus. I hope this is true! My daughter got into financial trouble during her first year out of college by getting sucked into these easy payment plans. How do I help her and her friends open their eyes to the dangers of this type of debt?

  • Ask Chuck: Our family is divided about kids’ baseball travel team

    Ask Chuck: Our family is divided about kids’ baseball travel team

    Our 11-year-old son was invited to try out for a competitive baseball travel team. We have three children, and I’m not convinced it’s the best use of our time and money. My husband and I are divided over the decision. Where do you fall on the issue?

  • Ask Chuck: Struggling to pay for senior care

    Ask Chuck: Struggling to pay for senior care

    My husband has Alzheimer’s. Should I use my retirement to fund his care? It will go quickly due to his medical bills, and I won’t be able to leave my daughters anything. An alternative is to have him go on Medicaid should I pass away first.