Felix N. Codilla III
Christian Post Contributor
German Judge Tells Syrian Woman to Remove Her Islamic Headwear in Courtroom
A December poll revealed that 69% of Germans favor banning the burqa.
New Blood Test Can Spot Person's Risk of Developing Dementia Years Before Symptoms Start
A new blood test that can predict a person's risk of Alzheimer's disease years before symptoms start is at the initial stage of testing. The revolutionary procedure developed by Washington University School of Medicine could be used to spot which patients are at risk.
Alien News 2017: Astronomers Detect Radio Signals From Nearby Star
After listening to radio waves from space for decades, astronomers have picked up "strange signals" at a frequency they haven't observed before. They still don't know what's causing the mystery transmission emanating from a nearby star, but they placed aliens in the bottom of the list as the possible source.
Solving Crossword Puzzles Regularly Can Help in Keeping Brain Healthy
Playing crossword puzzles regularly can help improve brain function later in life. This claim was arrived at after a new study found a link between daily puzzling to better memory and reasoning. Specifically, tackling crossword puzzles every day can help keep the mind 10 years younger.
Expert Warns Parents Against Over-Sterilizing Homes, Says Germs Help Boost Kids' Immune System
A germ expert warned parents against over-sterilizing their homes as this will weaken their children's bodily defenses. Instead, he advised them to expose their kids to microbes to boost their defenses against illnesses. This advice came from Prof. Jack Gilbert, director of the University of Chicago's Microbiome Center.
Iraqi Forces Claim to Have Captured 16-Year-Old German ISIS Bride Who Was Radicalized Online
A 16-year-old German schoolgirl-turned-jihadi bride was captured alongside a female suicide squad member in a tunnel system in Mosul after it was recently liberated from ISIS. Linda Wenzel was found by troops with a group of 20 other suspected foreign female members of the terror group.
Jihadis Thrown Off Buildings as Form of Revenge for Evil They Committed
After Iraq declared victory over ISIS in Mosul last week, cases of extrajudicial killings on captured jihadis have become common, with some of the incidents uploaded on social media by the death squads themselves. Graphic videos show Iraqi troops carrying out brutal executions on terrorists.
Jehovah's Witnesses to Run to European Court After Losing Appeal at Russian Supreme Court
The Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) are expected to run to the European Court of Human Rights after the Russian Supreme Court rejected its appeal against a nationwide ban. The High Court already ruled in April that the religious group was an "extremist" organization and must disband.
ISIS Calls On U.K. Followers to Kidnap Non-Muslim Children
In its latest vile edict published in its online propaganda magazine, ISIS urged its terrorists to step up their twisted tactics by taking non-Muslim children. In its monthly Rumiyah magazine released at the end of last week, the terror group called on its brainwashed followers to abduct children based on the argument that they will "own them."
Military Jets Seen Chasing UFOs Over California
A group of alien hunters at a major UFO event in Joshua Tree reportedly watched and recorded a video of a military jet "chasing" two lights. California witnesses at Landers reported that the incident was filmed with night-vision goggles as the plane streaked across the sky in pursuit of the objects.