Gregory T. Angelo
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Gay GOP Advocates Say Ronald Reagan Makes Case for Gay Rights
On February 6, President Ronald Wilson Reagan would have been 113 years old. The anniversary of Reagan's birthday always has a way of irking the left and inspiring the right, with liberals quick to demonize our 40th President for his perceived inaction on AIDS and advocates on the right making similarly unfounded assertions that Reagan was a hardline social conservative. Both are false claims.
ENDA: With Religious Liberty & Justice for All
Last month, the United States Senate passed the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), legislation that codifies federal anti-discrimination laws for workers to include sexual orientation and gender identity. Some opponents of the bill declared the bill's passage would be a slap in the face to religious liberty—Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council even went so far as to prognosticate that ENDA's passage would lead to an America in which "the homosexuals are brought out of the closet an
Gay Rights in the Post Exodus Era
Earlier this summer, Exodus International, long the standard-bearer for so-called "conversion" or "ex-gay" therapy that demonized homosexuality and evangelized a purported ability of gay individuals to change their sexual orientation, closed its doors.
Log Cabin Republicans and the Legacy of Lincoln
Recently, author Jennifer Thieme wrote an opinion piece calling out the organization for which I have the honor of serving as Executive Director arguing that civil relationship recognition for committed same-sex couples is an affront to Republican principles.