Jeff Schapiro
Christian Post Reporter
Renting a Womb (Part 4): Film Highlights Firsthand Accounts of Surrogacy Struggles
A newly released film created by the California-based Center for Bioethics and Culture reveals from firsthand accounts the potential pitfalls of surrogacy for both the surrogates and the children they birth.
Judge Declares Virginia's Same-Sex Marriage Ban Unconstitutional
A federal district court judge declared Virginia's voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional Thursday.
Alabama Lawmaker Wants Public Schools to Start Each Day With a Prayer
A bill proposed in the Alabama House of Representatives would require a congressional prayer to be read in public school classrooms at the beginning of each school day.
Elevation Church CFO Answers Questions About Sale of Steven Furtick's Newest Book
The finances of Elevation Church and its lead pastor, Steven Furtick, have been under scrutiny in recent months, and last week, the church's chief financial officer answered some questions about the sale of Furtick's new book.
Religion Course Discusses Biblical Texts and Zombies
Students enrolled in one Central Michigan University course are studying zombies, and will be examining biblical texts as well as the apocalyptic themes found in popular books and movies.
MLK's Children in Legal Battle Over Civil Rights Leader's Bible, Nobel Prize Medal
The sons of Martin Luther King Jr., acting as representatives of his estate, are suing their sister so that she will hand over the civil rights leader's Bible and Nobel Peace Prize medal, which she says her brothers want to sell.
Renting a Womb (Part 1): A Non-Traditional Way to Grow a Family
Surrogacy, an arrangement in which a woman carries and births the biological child of another individual or couple who will raise the child, is a complex issue from a medical, legal and moral standpoint, though the few statistics available about the practice suggest it is on the rise.
Documentary Examines the Amish Practice of Shunning
A new documentary explains why the Amish church practices shunning and reveals the struggles and sacrifices experienced by some of those who have left the Amish community.
Student's T-Shirt Ministry Takes Off After Atheist Group Sends a Letter Forcing the Removal of Christian Poster From Classroom
A Texas high school student came up with a T-shirt design to help his classmates express their faith after a teacher was forced to remove a poster with a Christian message from her classroom.
Former NFL Quarterback Jeff Kemp Challenges Men to Become Godly Leaders, Attend Event Day Before Super Bowl (INTERVIEW)
Former NFL quarterback Jeff Kemp found support and encouragement during his career by meeting regularly with other Christian players on his team. Now he's encouraging groups of men to gather in locations throughout the U.S. for Stepping Up Super Saturday, an event that addresses manhood and is designed to help them become godly leaders in their homes, churches and communities.