Phyllis Schlafly
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Donald Trump and the Sanctuary Scandal
Donald Trump's unorthodox campaign has performed a public service by shining the national spotlight on the problem of "sanctuary cities" which shelter illegal aliens from deportation.
Donald Trump Shakes Up the 2016 Campaign
Donald Trump is proving that conservatives can play that game, too. Just days after Trump warned that "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best.
Don't Give Obama More Power Over Schools
After spending most of June giving President Obama new authority to negotiate trade deals with low-wage countries in Asia, congressional Republicans are now poised to spend July giving Obama new authority over education in America's public schools.
Adios, America!: Ann Coulter's New Book Says It All
Ann Coulter lives up to her reputation of issuing warnings and political commentary that nobody else dares to say in her newest book, Adios, America!
Let's Say No to 'Fast Track' and Get on a 'Pro-American' Track
Congress, led by Sen. Mitch McConnell and Speaker John Boehner, is preparing to betray American workers, and the grassroots should rise up and say, "No, you don't." The secretive underhanded deal is called Fast Track, and that's an appropriate title because, indeed, it puts Americans on a fast track to lower wages and fewer available jobs.
The Police Shooting in South Carolina: Was it Racist?
Why was Walter Scott running away from a policeman who tried to stop him for a broken taillight? The media are trying to make a South Carolina policeman's killing of a black man, Walter Scott, another sensational case of racism, but the media have missed the point of the tragedy.
What Will the Supreme Court Do to Marriage?
A new hearing will be held on April 28, and defenders of the traditional definition of marriage are just now having their say. On Friday, dozens of briefs were filed in the Supreme Court, urging the Court not to take the step that liberals have declared to be inevitable.
The Cost of Obama's Amnesty
Seeing as the costs will come due only after Barack Obama has left the White House, I guess he doesn't care how high those costs are. But the costs are horrendous, as just added up by our country's foremost authority on such things, Robert Rector of The Heritage Foundation.
Looking for America's Next President
It seems so early, but eager candidates are already lining up to become the Republican nominee for president in the important race of 2016. There has already been one showcasing in Iowa, and candidates are seeking opportunities to strut their stuff and show why they are different from and better than the others.
How Democrats Plan to Win Elections
The Obama Democrats have an audacious scheme for winning future elections. They just plan to import 5,000,000 non-citizens and credential them as voters who will, in gratitude, vote Democratic.