Phyllis Schlafly
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Giuliani's Comments on Obama 'Hit a Nerve' With Liberal Media
"It hit a nerve," Rudy Giuliani observed about his widely reported insight that President Obama does not love America. Amid the uproar from the liberal media that anyone would dare question a liberal's patriotism, the former mayor of New York City is not backing away from his candid comment, telling the New York Times that "I said exactly what I wanted to say. I conveyed exactly the message that I wanted to convey."
Immigration Handbook for Congressional Republicans: Courtesy of Sen. Jeff Sessions
The best guide for action is the "Immigration Handbook for the New Republican Majority" by Sen. Jeff Sessions issued a couple of weeks ago.
Immigration Handbook for the New GOP Majority: Courtesy of Sen. Jeff Sessions
Republicans in 2014 won the biggest majority in Congress they've had since the 1930s, so the grassroots expect them to deliver the fruits of victory. The best guide for action is the "Immigration Handbook for the New Republican Majority" by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), issued a couple of weeks ago.
Legislatures Should Curb Judicial Supremacy Over Marriage
It's Roe v. Wade all over again, as the Supreme Court is poised to invent a new right to same-sex marriage found nowhere in the four corners of the Constitution. Fortunately, the Founders gave us checks and balances against this overreaching in power.
Obama Unemployment Statistics Make 'Fuzzy' Math
Prospects are especially dismal for those who have been out of work for a half-year or more. A shocking 31.9 percent of the unemployed, about 2.8 million, have been out of work for 27 or more weeks, and that figure remained virtually unchanged last month despite rosy claims by the Obama administration.
The War Against Christians and Christmas
There are 250 million Christians in America today, but most seem to be oblivious of the fact that they and their religion are under steady attack from those who apparently hate Christianity, or at least want to expunge Christianity from any public place or mention.
Feds Banish Sex Stereotypes In Classroom
The Obama administration is now trying to outlaw single-sex classrooms, a practice that has been growing as parents and teachers see its good results.
The High Cost of Fast Track
Obama received a thundering rejection to his attempt to make the November Congressional election a referendum on his policies. And the biggest Republican majority elected in more than 60 years promised to bring new life to Congress.
Open Letter to Senator McConnell and Speaker Boehner
President Barack Obama proudly announced that his policies would be on the ballot in the Nov. 4 midterm elections. He got his response loud and clear: The American people said, "No, thanks."
What Can We Expect From the New GOP Senate?
Republicans won a big victory in the midterm elections, so big that the media are calling it a "wave." Is President Obama planning to cope with this by "working together" and "bipartisanship"? The New York Times gave us his answer on the front page.