Phyllis Schlafly
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Obama Starts Democrats 'War Against Women'
Barack Obama has suddenly made himself the leader of a new war on women. In a Rhode Island pre-election campaign speech, he repudiated the principle of giving choices about careers to women.
Illegal Voters May Decide Fate of Senate
Control of the U.S. Senate is up for grabs on Nov. 4, and illegal voters may tip the balance. Estimates are that more than 14 percent of non-citizens were registered to vote in the elections of 2008 and 2010, and that could now easily exceed the margin of victory in many tight Senate races.
GOP Needs a Big Toolbox to Win In 2014
Although the midterm elections are still two weeks away, about two million Americans have already voted. The circus of early and mail-in voting undermines the federal law, which provides: "The Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every even numbered year, is established as the day for the election."
Stopping Disease at the Borders
Americans against amnesty are not only worried about unemployed Mexicans crossing our southern border illegally to take U.S. jobs. More than ever, we need the fence that Congress voted for and President George W. Bush made a television photo event when he signed it into law.
Obama Fails to Protect Us, Again
Of all the examples of incompetence and failure to protect Americans that the Obama administration has displayed, its failure to keep Ebola out of our country may be the worst. Obama's No. 1 job is to keep dangerous people from coming into America, and he has flunked the test.
The Best Interest of the Child Is Now the Best Interest of the Dog
The supposed standard for child custody in family courts is the "best interest of the child." The Vermont Supreme Court has now extended that to the best interest of the dog.
Who Killed the American Family?: How the Breakdown of the Family Is Impacting Our Children
Much has been written about the decline in the percentage of Americans who live in a traditional nuclear family. The scholar Charles Murray has pointed out that the shocking rate of illegitimate births (now 41 percent) is the most serious social and fiscal problem America faces because it is the factor that drives everything else.
Immigration Tricks Are Turning On Democrats
The strategists who base their political advice on public opinion polls have just had a surprise. A new poll reports that the American people are now more likely to trust Republicans to handle immigration and less likely to trust Democratic plans to offer illegals a path to citizenship (aka amnesty).
Gambling: Where Is the Payoff?
For those who promote legalized gambling as a means of economic development or revitalization, or as a painless way to pay for public schools, the recent news from Atlantic City, New Jersey, is sobering.
Putin Pushes the Envelope On Obama, US Territory
While the world's attention was distracted by his incursions into Eastern Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin quietly made another provocative move that could lead to a direct confrontation with the United States. The Russian Navy sent a ship to remote Wrangel Island, planted a Russian naval flag on August 20, and announced plans to build a naval base there for Russia's Pacific Fleet.