Phyllis Schlafly
CP Op-Ed Contributor
Supreme Court Justices Who Want to Be Supremacists
Redefining the First Amendment is a core aim of Barack Obama's plan to "fundamentally transform the United States." He is steadily changing the First Amendment's words, "free exercise" of religion, to the much more restricted notion of freedom of worship.
Common Core Won't Make Kids Smarter
The new education standards called Common Core won't make U.S. kids any smarter.
Obama Is Embarrassed by Obamacare
Barack Obama assured us that, after his signature legislation Obamacare went into effect, we would surely like it. Now Obama has decided he doesn't want us to find out how it affects us until after the 2014 elections.
Obama's Pre-K Power Grab
The Obama administration downplays the $75 billion initial cost of pre-K by claiming it can be covered by raising the federal tax on cigarettes from $1.01 to $1.95. But cigarette taxes were hiked just a few years ago, and this massive sales tax falls harder on low-income Americans.
Gang of Eight Immigration Plan Will Increase Unemployment
The bill created in secret by the Gang of Eight is an outrageous betrayal of American workers, both high skilled and low skilled. Claiming it is bipartisan, the drafters were Democrats and globalist Republicans.
Common Core and the Ensuing Backlash
The national news media haven't discovered it, but the issue that is bringing out hundreds of citizens who never before attended political meetings is Common Core. More precisely, it is the attempt of Barack Obama's Department of Education to force all states and schools to adopt specified national education standards for each grade level that will dictate what all kids learn and don't learn.
Boston Bombing Demands a Pause in Legislation
The Boston Marathon Bombing, where three people were killed and 264 wounded, many with legs or feet blown off, continues to be a big media story, but we are still waiting for answers to many questions. How did our government miss so many clues that the Tsarnaev brothers were a deadly danger to Americans?
Roadblocks Blocking Amnesty
The amnesty bill that the Gang of Eight has been working on in secret has sprung some leaks so we can identify several major flaws.
Autopsy for the Republican Party
A claque of liberals and media bigwigs are calling RNC Chairman Reince Priebus's 97-page political opus an Autopsy, which the dictionary defines as the dissection of a body after death. Some people are hoping the Republican Party is dead, but the grassroots are raring to rise up and fight.
Who is Waging War on Women?
The real war against women is the announced plan of the Obama Administration, using outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta as the fall guy, to assign women for the first time in American history to fight our nation's enemies in military ground combat. That's real war, with real guns, real bullets, and real deaths.