Rick Warren
CP Guest Contributor
The Aim of Preaching Is Life Transformation
If God's objective for every believer is to transform us into total Christlikeness, then the objective of preaching is to motivate people to develop Christlike convictions (to think like Jesus), Christlike character (to feel like Jesus), and Christlike conduct (to act like Jesus). Every other objective of preaching is secondary. At the end of the sermon, if people aren't being transformed in how they think, feel, and act, I've missed the mark as a preacher.
18 Ways to Motivate Yourself in Ministry
When it comes to ministry leadership, I don't focus on trying to motivate other people. I worry about motivating me, and if I'm motivated it will be contagious. This is true in any area of ministry. Your duty is not necessarily to motivate others. But if you stay motivated, people will catch your enthusiasm. They will catch your vision.
8 Acts of a Healthy, Growing Church
B. H. Carroll, a famous Bible scholar, in his commentary, estimates that there were probably a hundred thousand members in the Jerusalem church after 25 years. Peter Wagner and many have agreed. G. Campbell Morgan estimates a minimum of 60,000. In any Bible dictionary it will tell you that in New Testament times that the city of Jerusalem was approximately 200,000 people. What we have here is a church with 100,000 members in a city of 200,000 people. Half the city had come to Christ. No wonder t
6 Commitments for Growing a Church With Unity
One of the reasons why Saddleback church has grown over the years is because we have maintained a harmonious atmosphere. When there is a church that is loving, it attracts people like a magnet. When a church really loves, really offers love to each other and those who are welcomed into it, you'd have to lock the doors to keep people out. Because Saddleback is a loving church, we continue to reach out and we continue to grow.
How to Have a Thriving Intimacy With God
You can have a thriving ministry without a thriving relationship with God, but only temporarily. Anyone can fake it in the short run, but to go the distance, you need a passionate devotional life and continual closeness to Jesus. Often, pastors tend to allow the busyness of ministry and the necessity of studying for sermon preparation to replace a real, personal walk with Jesus. But God wants better for you. Three T's for a thriving walk with Jesus…
How to Lead (and Preach) Through Your Weaknesses
Jesus was definitely an iconoclast, continually challenging the conventional thinking of His day. Twenty different times Jesus said, "You've heard it said… but I say to you…" And even today, his thoughts on leadership go against the grain.
The Kind of Church God Blesses
London has some of the most beautiful, historic churches in the entire world. Yet they are also some of the most empty. I was struck by this recently when I was in the city to do a Bible study. Churches are dying off so fast that they're being sold off to bars and restaurants. London churches are desperate for the blessing of God.
Use Easter to Break a Growth Barrier
Every church hits a wall in growth, that attendance barrier your church can\'t seem to get past.
Are You Working Harder than God Intended?
My experience is pastors tend to overwork when they assume extra hours make them more effective in ministry.
Success = Fulfilling the Great Commission
Jesus has given the church a job to do. We will either succeed or fail at it. I define our success as fulfilling the Great Commission.