Ron Hart
Cecil the Lion: Pride and Prejudice
Full disclosure: I don't hunt much. It's not my thing. But I have friends who hunt birds. I understand at some level why they like it. Doves and ducks just seem to be asking for it. My friends call it a sport. It's not a sport. A sport is where both sides know they are playing and also have high-powered rifles. Then it is a fair fight.
Uber Liberals Reveal Themselves By Defending Cab Companies
The New York City Uber story unmasks the reality of the Democrats: politicians beholden not to the citizens' best interests, but to their own. If your city makes it hard for Uber to do business, you have corrupt or corruptible politicians.
Ban All Flags From Flying Over Government Property
Taking down the Confederate flag flown on government property is something we should have done a while back. The key here is flag's flown on government property.
Greece: Obama's Trajectory for the United States
Like our country, Greeks have long slid down the slippery slope of socialism. They are now gambling their country's future like Jimmy the Greek.
Donald Trump: Citizen Vain
You have to hand it to Trump. He started out broke and, by pure determination and grit, built a big real estate business in New York that made his family a fortune. But enough about Frederick Trump.
Justice Antonin Scalia: A Steadfast Man Willing to Act
A board I serve on in Washington, D.C. was fortunate to meet with Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia last week. Scalia is a famous jurist, admired by many for his intellect and convictions and despised by liberals for his steadfast willingness to act on them.
Obama Has Built His American Dream: A Dependent Welfare State
The "wars" on poverty, drugs and terrorism have failed. The goals are noble on the surface, but they have been used -- with scant results -- to tax us more, employ more government workers, and expand the power of Washington.
Handicapping the Expansive and Growning GOP Field
It's that time again. Every four years, the GOP interviews presidential hopefuls to determine who will be their nominee, who will have a show on Fox and who will be doing reverse mortgage commercials on TV.
FIFA Shades of Pay
Hey soccer, I thought we had a deal. Every four years we act like we care about the World Cup, and then you go away until the next time.
Iraq: Losing Our Trillion Dollar War
In his own "Mission Accomplished" moment, Obama declared a couple of years ago that he had brought a "responsible end to the war in Iraq." As it turns out, not so much.