Can Intolerant Liberals Be Made to Look in the Mirror?

Prominent conservative author and essayist Mary Eberstadt has released a new book that aims to show liberals of "reason" just how intolerant and incivil today's secularist political Left has become toward traditional religious beliefs on marriage, sex and abortion.
Eberstadt, the author of a number of books who has also been published in The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Time magazine, National Review, First Things and other news outlets, released her new book, It's Dangerous to Believe: Religious Freedom and Its Enemies, last week and spoke in Washington on Tuesday to discuss the main takeaways from her work.
"Today, as opposed to 40 years ago, [social issues] are no longer contested. They are regarded as settled. The progressive secularists side has chalked up victory after victory on cases involving school prayer, obscenity, abortion and same-sex marriage," Eberstadt told attendees at a lunchtime discussion at the Heritage Foundation on Tuesday.
"Exactly because we have entered a new era of apparent secularist ascendancy, it is fair to ask for a new conversation out there," she said. "Why, given how victorious it is, does the secularist progressive alliance, by which I mean its activist wing, insist on treating faithful Christians as if they are some kind of unique threat?"