7 Must-See Moments From the 2016 Presidential Race

1. Hillary Clinton's 'Scooby Mobile'
Will reporters ever live down the shame of being compared to a pack of runaway llamas as they split their worn trousers in a competitive chase to capture Hillary's Scooby mobile as it drives in circles around a building?
2. 'Sticker Boy'
Drake University student Peter Clinkscales isn't supporting Hillary Clinton in her bid for the White House, but he somehow managed to finagle a prime spot behind the Democratic frontrunner at a campaign rally in Iowa and upstaged the former secretary of state at her own event — much to the delight of Republicans.
3. Donald Trump Tells CNN's Anderson Cooper 'He Started It'
Watch Donald Trump deploy a failed childhood tactic as a campaign strategy when he uses the "he started it" excuse with Anderson Cooper during a CNN Republican Town Hall.
4. Republican Debate Hits Below the Belt Amid Talk of Trump's Hands
During a campaign rally Sen. Marco Rubio quipped that Trump has the hands of a man who is 5'2" not 6'2" ... The history behind the "small hands" joke goes back 30 years when Graydon Carter described Trump in Spy magazine as a "short-fingered vulgarian."
"To this day, I receive the occasional envelope from Trump. There is always a photo of him — generally a tear sheet from a magazine. On all of them he has circled his hand in gold Sharpie in a valiant effort to highlight the length of his fingers," Carter wrote in the November 2015 issue of Vanity Fair magazine.
5. Hillary Clinton Barks Like a Dog
Failing to learn from Howard Dean whose campaign floundered after he got over excited and screamed YAAA!!! in Iowa back in 2003, Hillary couldn't resist and stopped talking and started barking at her supporters.
6. Donald Trump's Victory Speech in Nevada: 'I Love the Poorly Educated'
We can't make this stuff up.
7. Mike Huckabee's Parody of Adele's 'Hello'
Are you as amazed as we are that he didn't win Iowa with this?