A Single Dad Is Asked If He's #DoinGood for Father's Day; What His Son Says Is Heartwarming!

It only takes a minute to tell a parent they're doing good. Often times we forget to thank our parents for being so good to us. With Father's Day around the corner, be sure to remind your dad how much he means to you.
Minute Maid asked a single dad in this commercial "How do you think you're doing?" After he responds, they ask his son the same question. The son is then asked to write a letter to his father. Inside were words of encouragement and thanks that his father was not expecting to see. He had been both a father and mother figure when he needed to be, and this is something the son never forgot.
This is guaranteed to bring you tears of joy and touch your heart!
Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads out there and remember, you're doing good!
Check out this heartwarming Minute Maid commercial below: