Amazon pulls books by authors who once identified as gay, lesbian

Following the removal of books by a Catholic psychologist amid LGBT activist pressure, Amazon has removed the works of other authors who once lived and identified as gay.
The works of Anne Paulk of the Restored Hope Network and pastoral counselor and author Joe Dallas are among the latest books to be pulled from the online retail giant.
Dallas' book — Desires in Conflict: Hope for Men Who Struggle with Sexual Identity — and Paulk's book — Restoring Sexual Identity: Hope for Women Who Struggle with Same-Sex Attraction — both of which until the past few days were sold on the platform, are now no longer available for purchase.
"Amazon's decision is no surprise since today's culture is caving to the goals of the LGBTQ political movement, which have always included the silencing [of] any disapproval of homosexuality," Dallas said in an email to The Christian Post Monday.
"It would be awfully naive to think it will stop here. First, the LGBTQ movement will convince the culture that telling homosexuals they can change is dangerous. Then they'll convince the culture that calling homosexuality a sin is dangerous. Then the government will tell the pastors of America what they can or cannot say on this subject, and the culture will approve."
The author added that those whose books are being targeted and scrubbed from the website are presently considering how to best respond but their mission will remain the same.
"None of us will stop communicating the grace of God evidenced in our lives, and in the lives of those we serve," Dallas said.
"Peter and John said it so well: 'Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard," he added, referencing Acts 4:20.
Dallas' other books are still available on Amazon.
Paulk did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
In response to the removal, Voice of the Voiceless, a group representing former LGBT-identified persons, launched a petition Monday, demanding that Amazon reverse course as it accused the company of unfair censorship.
"We are outraged that a smear campaign by one individual (who stated here that he never read these books) could convince Amazon to censor all books, audiobooks, and Kindle material related to our experiences and viewpoints," the petition, which has garnered nearly 3,000 signatures, reads.
"For every major issue there are two sides to each story. For one side to be bullied and censored on every platform is counter to the values we have long held in common with Amazon."
Reports indicate that the man behind getting Amazon to discontinue selling the books was Rojo Alan.
The removal of other books come after Amazon pulled the works of Joseph Nicolosi, a Catholic psychologist who died in 2017. He is the author of several books on homosexuality in men and therapeutic approaches for persons with same-sex attraction.
"The books Amazon banned are an important part of my father’s legacy. Just one of his books had 400 endorsements, from a man who said Reparative Therapy of Male Homosexuality 'saved my marriage,' to several past presidents of the American Psychological Association," said Joseph Nicolosi Jr. in a statement sent to CP Monday.
"Amazon's book ban puts radical LGBT ideology ahead of established science about how people leave homosexuality. It is anti-choice, anti-science, and anti-American."