'Atheist Delusion' Movie 'Destroys Atheism With One Question,' Says Evangelist Ray Comfort

Evangelist Ray Comfort's "The Atheist Delusion" movie, which claims that it's able to "destroy atheism with one scientific question," is set to premiere at the Ark Encounter, a life-sized Noah's Ark theme park in Kentucky.
"From the start, we were concerned that people wouldn't take seriously a movie that 'destroys atheism with one scientific question.' But it does exactly that by scientifically confirming the existence of God. Having a respected, scientifically based organization like Answers in Genesis being willing to premiere it is such an honor," Comfort said in a statement shared with CP.
While Living Waters Publications, Comfort's ministry, has claimed that thousands have already seen the movie thanks to pre-release paid downloads, Oct. 22 at the Ark is set to be the official release date.
Comfort admitted that the movie is not likely to change the minds of "the average prod and closed-minded atheist."
"But countless others, tempted to believe the ridiculous lie of atheism, are open-minded, and will be convinced by seeing the irrefutable proof for the existence of God," he added.
The evangelist said back in July in an interview with Hemant Mehta of "The Friendly Atheist" blog that his new film seeks to warn people that Hell is a very real place.
"I believe with every ounce of my being that Hell is a very real place. I know that is offensive and that it almost always brings scorn with it. It was Penn Jillette who asked how much we would have to hate someone if we believed that Hell was real and didn't warn him," Comfort said at the time, referring to his conversation with the atheist celebrity magician.
In a later interview, Comfort insisted that Christians need to believe that the accounts in Genesis are literally true, or else they would be calling "Jesus a liar."
Ham, a Young Earth Creationist who has also been critical of atheists and defended the literal interpretation of Genesis, has made similar claims. Back in August he took aim at a Lutheran-ELCA pastor who claimed that the account of Noah is not real history.
"If Noah is a myth, then so are all those listed in Hebrews 11, like Abraham, Isaac, Joseph, Moses, and others. Would the pastor rather have children be taught evolution as fact and Creation as myth? Millstone warning in Mark 9:42! Genesis is history," Ham wrote at the time.
"The Atheist Delusion" film will be streamed live on the website Atheist Movie.com at 8 p.m. ET on Oct. 22 and will also be released on YouTube.
"The world premiere will be highly evangelistic, as well as thoroughly encouraging, equipping, and inspiring to seasoned believers," Comfort added, sharing his hopes that millions will watch the movie.