Black and White; All Lives Matter

Riots and protests have occurred throughout the nation in the wake of the Ferguson decision. The national news media has done all but call the protestors to arms.
Many of the people taking part in these "demonstrations" have been holding signs that read, "Black Lives Matter." I could not agree more.
Abortion giant Planned Parenthood even took a stance on this hot button topic, issuing a statement that said, "Black Lives Matter." What irony! Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood is known for her efforts to significantly reduce the black population. She saw abortion as a solution to black poverty and even spoke at a Ku Klux Klan rally and raved about its success. Where is the outrage over this blatant discrimination and hate?
According to the National Black Prolife Coalition, 1,000 black babies are aborted everyday in America, but where is the outrage over these "black lives" lost to abortion?
Let's expand this argument further: in 2012, Planned Parenthood performed a record amount of abortions—333,964 to be exact. Where are the cries of injustice? Where are the protests over the inhumane treatment these innocent babies face at the hands of abortionists?
The politicization of the death of Michael Brown has become hypocritical. To those who riot and tear down businesses of hardworking people, don't their lives and livelihoods matter? To those who want Officer Darren Wilson killed, doesn't his life matter? To those seeking to harm witnesses in the case, don't their lives matter? Don't ALL lives matter?
The decision was made by a Grand Jury to not indict Officer Wilson based upon physical evidence and witness testimony. While many may disagree with the decision, that doesn't invalidate the fact that they did not hear or see concrete physical evidence to bring charges.
Police officers serve and protect their communities. Demonizing these men and women does nothing to restore peace and healing to communities plagued by violence and tension. Once we begin to respect ALL human life, communities can be restored, relationships can be fostered, and tensions can be diminished.
Raising children in homes fueled by hate and anger does nothing but perpetuate this vicious cycle. Professors using their classrooms to educate students with their "opinions" on racism and encouraging "riots" only cause hate to grow. What the nation needs now is healing. What the Ferguson community needs now is healing.
Our society devalues human life. We pick and choose which lives "matter" depending on which agenda we are pushing on any given day. Here's something that may be revolutionary and controversial to some, but it's the truth: ALL LIVES MATTER.