'Caged No More' Producer Says 'Christians Must Lead Charge' to End Sex Trafficking (Interview)

The newly released film "Caged No More," featuring Kevin Sorbo, targets the world's fastest-growing crime and the film's producer, Lisa Arnold, says Christians must lead the charge in the fight against human trafficking.
Inspired by real life events, "Caged No More" is meant to spread awareness about trafficking victims by telling the story of Aggie Prejean, a godmother on a desperate search to find sisters Skye and Elle, who were kidnapped by their father (Kevin Sorbo).
As the details behind the girls' disappearance begins to unravel, it's discovered their father has taken them overseas to be sold into slavery to settle a drug debt. Prejean enlists the help of the girls' uncle (also played by Sorbo), a well-respected local philanthropist, and his son, Wil (Alan Powell), who's a former special forces soldier, to find and rescue the girls. A global hunt ensues, and the team stops at nothing to ensure the girls are safely returned home.
Arnold, the film's producer, director, and writer, decided to lend her professional talent to reveal the shocking statistics about sex trafficking by educating and empowering people to take action and save lives through the film.
The veteran filmmaker is an award-winning director and producer. Her films include "God's Not Dead," "Grace Wins," "Flywheel" and "Christmas Angel." As president of Check The Gate Productions and co-founder of Film Incito, Arnold has dedicated her work-life to being an advocate for family and faith-based films.

The following is an edited transcript of Arnold's interview with The Christian Post in which she discusses the horrific realities of human trafficking in America, and provides practical tips on how the Body of Christ can help save lives.
CP: What are some of the more surprising things you discovered?
Arnold: The most surprising information about trafficking is that here in the U.S., 10- to 14-year-old boys and girls are at the greatest risk and all kids are in danger, not just runaways and vulnerable kids. This is why this topic is so important and critical for parents, churches and schools to talk about. It is astonishing to think that every 30 seconds someone becomes a victim of trafficking.
CP: This movie was very intense but so necessary, what made you want to be a part of it?
Arnold: After the other filmmakers and myself discovered how prevalent human trafficking is globally and here in the U.S., we felt that we needed to use our influence through films to help raise awareness and get the conversation started. "Caged No More" can create a movement in each community to bring education and send a calling to end this modern day form of slavery.
CP: Not everyone has the capability to travel and combat sex trafficking overseas, what can believers do to help?
Arnold: It is important that we all understand that we all can do something to fight the horrific crime of human trafficking. Teachers can rally their schools to talk about it, parents can educate their children, businessmen can lend their resources to anti-human trafficking organizations and most importantly, churches can and must lead the way in this fight!
CP: How do you safeguard your family from this horrifying fate? Can you provide practical things people can do?
Arnold: Through this film we have created an informative and engaging way for families to be introduced to the nature of human trafficking — that it is happening close to home and in our communities. This film demonstrates only one way this can happen.
Our kids are vulnerable through social media and pimps hiring teenagers to engage with our children and lure them into trafficking. The most important thing that parents can do is to educate their kids, help them to become aware of the dangers and be smart in situations where they are at risk.
Perpetrators are looking for the vulnerable kids, the ones that are in need of love and attention. Parents need to make sure that their kids' emotional needs are met in the home, but don't stop there. You have to get the conversation started about trafficking and make sure that you know who your kids are engaging with online, in school and out in the community.
Audiences can be a part of the movement by participating in the "Caged No More" event tour which is happening all over the U.S. and other countries. Churches, schools, and organizations can join the fight and host us coming to their community. After the screening of the film, we have an informative live panel discussion about trafficking, what it is, how it happens, and how you can protect your children.
DVDs are also available now in Walmart, Amazon and Christian book stores. Pick up one and after you have watched it, pass it along to someone of influence in your community. We can build an army to fight back and continue the movement.
CP: What can we expect from you in the future?
Arnold: We will continue with the live event tour for "Caged No More" to help raise awareness across our country. We are not backing down in this fight for sure! Our next film for release is called "Camp Cool Kids," which is a fun family-friendly film that audiences will love. We are also in pre-production on "One Nation Under God," a political entertaining film that raises many questions that our country is facing right now. Film Incito strives to bring films that inspire, encourage, entertain and challenge us in a positive way!
According to the Polaris Project, victims of human trafficking are frequently lured by false promises of a lucrative job, stability, education, or a relationship. While they share the trait of vulnerability, human trafficking spans all demographics.
"Caged No More" is now available on DVD through Word Entertainment. For free resources, go to cagednomoremovie.com. The site also provides a four week study guide for free.