Canada's Plan to Ban Anti-Trans. Speech With 2-Year Prison Sentence Is 'Mission From Devil,' Says AFR Host

Conservative radio host Bryan Fischer has responded to the news that Canada might be considering two-year prison terms for speech deemed as being anti-transgender by stating that the "gay gestapo" is on a "mission from the dark lord."
"The gay gestapo is on a mission from the dark lord to relentlessly harass, intimidate, punish, and silence every advocate of sexual normalcy," said Fischer, who hosts "Focal Point" on American Family Radio.
"Now the deviancy cabal intends to send preachers who speak the truth about transgenderism and transvestitism to jail for two years," he added.
He pointed to a bill recently introduced by Canada's Liberal Party government led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, which would amend the Canadian Criminal Code to expand existing "hate speech" prohibitions to include any public speech or communication that "promotes hatred" on the basis of "gender identity" or "gender expression," and also the Canadian Human Rights Act, to cover transgender people.

Trudeau argued in a speech last week that Canada has more to do to improve its LGBT issues record, and asserted that too many people with a non-traditional gender orientation or identity "face harassment, discrimination, and violence for being who they are."
The Canadian leader added: "To do its part, the government of Canada today will introduce legislation that will help ensure transgender and other gender-diverse people can live according to their gender identity, free from discrimination, and protected from hate propaganda and hate crimes."
Fischer explained that what is problematic is that it would label people who disagree with such a worldview based on their faith as being part of the "hate speech" spectrum.
"According to the Creator of every living human being, there are two and only two genders. Not five (as in LGBTQ) or 31, as New York City is now proposing, nor 58 as Facebook famously believes," he wrote.
"Everything we know about biology and genetics confirms this. Everyone is either a male or a female from the moment he was conceived to the moment he dies. Bruce Jenner is a male, has been for his entirely earthly existence, and will be until the day he dies."
He warned that if the bill passes, in Canada it would become a "crime" to "proclaim what the Bible and science teach about gender."
Fischer further noted that punishments for alleged anti-transgender speech are manifesting themselves in America as well, such as with the New York City Commission on Human Rights announcing in December fines of up to $250,000 for business owners who repeatedly use the wrong preferred name or pronoun toward transgender individuals.
Other prominent conservatives in America, such as creationist Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis, also strongly spoke out against New York's fine for such offenses.
"America has lost any semblance of biblical thinking, and this is clearly showing up in the laws and regulations that are being established. Sinful behaviors are being applauded and protected in the courts, and those who choose to disagree with sinful lifestyles are being punished for refusing to condone or accommodate these choices," Ham wrote in January.