Christian NFL Player Benjamin Watson Cut Off From CNN Interview After Glorifying Jesus Christ

Benjamin Watson shared his Christian faith when expressing how upset he is about the social upheaval taking place in Ferguson, Missouri, and after attempting to share his faith on CNN, some are questioning if the network tried to stop him from glorifying the name of Jesus.
Watson, the 33-year-old New Orleans Saints' tight end, received national attention when his take on the fatal shooting of black teenager Michael Brown at the hands of a white police officer Darren Wilson went viral. In an essay posted to Facebook, Watson did not only take one side in the scenario that has caused national protesting.
Instead, the NFL player offered encouragement through Jesus Christ while letting people know that he believes sin was the issue at hand instead of just race relations. After the essay became popular with over three quarter of a million views, Watson appeared on CNN where he was interviewed by journalist Brooke Baldwin about his take on the matter.
In the satellite interview, Watson spoke about his Christian faith. However, he was cut off from the interview, which was replaced by a green screen after he proclaimed that Jesus Christ died for people's sins.
"The only way to really cure what's on the inside is understanding that Jesus Christ died for our sins," Watson told CNN's Baldwin.
Baldwin interrupted Watson to tell him she "got it" before the NFL player's side of the split screen went blank and turned into a green screen.
"Just like that, we lost him," Baldwin told viewers.
However, the exchange left both media outlets and some on social media questioning if Watson was purposely cut off for speaking about Jesus.
"Did CNN really cut off Benjamin Watson for saying Jesus is Lord?" the Canada Free Press questioned in a headline, while RedState's headline read "What Happens When Benjamin Watson Preaches Jesus on CNN?"
While some on social media questioned the network, Watson did not seem to be alarmed by the matter when he took to Twitter to say he had a great time being interviewed by Baldwin.
"Great time speaking with @BrookeBCNN this afternoon," Watson tweeted. "Thanks for having me on. #humbled."
Baldwin also took to Twitter to thank Watson for his interview and explained what had happed on-air.
"And just like that -- our satellite window with New Orleans closed. But... WOW. @BenjaminSWatson: I cannot THANK YOU enough for that," the reporter tweeted.