Election 2018 Polls: Will There Be a 'Blue Wave'?
National Trends

RealClearPolitics averaged a series of polls taken over the past couple of weeks from such prominent entities as Rasmussen Reports, Gallup, Quinnipiac, and NPR/Marist, among others.
In a report accessed Monday, RealClearPolitics' average put President Donald Trump's approval rating at 40.9 percent, with a disapproval rating of 53.6 percent.
President Trump' disapproval rating is nearly five percentage points lower than it was last December, but 2.5 points higher than in June, when 51.1 percent disapproved.
For their generic congressional vote, based on data updated last Thursday, RCP had the Democrats ahead with 48.8 percent, while the Republicans had 40.5 percent.
Democrats have led on the generic congressional vote polling since Apr. 24 of last year, when they had 44.3 percent to the Republicans' 38.5 percent.