Election 2018 Polls: Will There Be a 'Blue Wave'?

FiveThirtyEight has predicted a strong likelihood that the Democrats will take control of the House of Representatives for the first time since 2010.
In data updated on Monday, the site gave the Democrats an 82.4 percent chance of regaining control of the lower house, versus a 17.6 percent chance that the Republicans will maintain their majority.
FiveThirtyEight broken down their prediction to giving the Democrats a 10 percent chance they gain fewer than 18 seats, an 80 percent chance they gain between 18 and 61 seats, and a 10 percent chance they gain more than 61 seats.
In their "Battle for the House 2018" map, accessed Monday, Real Clear Politics gives the Democrats 206 seats as either secured, likely, or leaning; by contrast, they gave Republicans 190 seats as secured, likely, or leaning. 39 were listed as "toss-ups."