EPA Employees Asked to Stop Pooping in Hallways
Perpetrator Deemed 'Very Dangerous,' May Escalate Filthy Acts

Rogue employees at the Environmental Protection Agency might not have an affinity for the phrase "cleanliness is next to godliness," because the fecal contamination found inside their government building has been deemed a "health and safety risk."
Human waste contamination isn't being hidden behind the closed doors of the ladies and gents restrooms. Instead, at least one government employee is opting to relieve himself in the office hallway.
"Management for Region 8 in Denver, Colorado, wrote an email earlier this year to all staff in the area pleading with them to stop inappropriate bathroom behavior, including defecating in the hallway," the Government Executive publication reported Wednesday.
Among the filthy incidents discovered by Deputy Regional Administrator Howard Cantor are toilets clogged with excessive amounts of paper towels, and knowledge that at least one person is "placing feces in the hallway," outside the restroom, according to an email obtained by GE, the government's business news daily.
"Management is taking this situation very seriously and will take whatever actions are necessary to identify and prosecute these individuals," Cantor wrote.
After learning about the vile behaviors carried out by some of its government employees, the EPA's management staff conferred with John Nicoletti, a workplace violence expert, "who said that hallway feces is, in fact, a health and safety risk."
Nicoletti further noted that whoever is deliberately defecating in the hallways is acting out in a "very dangerous" manner and might even "escalate" their activities.