Hillary Clinton's Agenda 'Anchored in Biblical Darkness,' Says Bishop Harry Jackson

Prominent conservative African-American pastor Harry Jackson warns that the black community in America has been involved in an "adulterous relationship" with the Democratic Party and suggests that the agenda of the Democratic presidential nominee is "anchored in Biblical darkness."
Jackson, the senior pastor at Hope Christian Church in Maryland and co-founder of The Reconciled Church movement that seeks to bring racial healing to America, spoke on "The Colors That Unite" program hosted by pro-Donald Trump pastor Mark Burns on Sunday, and explained why he thinks black voters are better off voting for Trump than Clinton.

During the program Burns and Jackson, who are both on Trump's evangelical advisory board, discussed why it is that many black Christian voters continue to vote for Democratic candidates even though their stances on issues like abortion and marriage don't align.
"In the last few years, many of our black pulpits have been silent because we say to ourselves that ultimately we will get fairness and opportunities eventually and we are finally going to get economic relief if we get with the Democrats," Jackson explained. "Again, we have to be wiser and go issue by issue and make both parties vie for us. Republicans are hesitant to go after the black vote because they think 'They won't vote for us anyway.'"
"Trump is breaking the mold because he is going after the black vote and he is putting in place agenda items that will make a difference for black people," Jackson continued.
Jackson also reasoned that the African-American community is continuously being duped by Democratic politicians who don't follow through with many of their campaign promises to bring jobs, criminal justice reform and economic stability, which are desperately needed to help struggling urban communities.
"I felt like the black community was in an adulterous relationship of sorts with the Democratic Party," Jackson said. "They show up at our church the Sunday before the [election] Tuesday, knock at our door and it is sort of like a midnight call for what they want and when they want it and ultimately, they want the vote. After they get what they want, we don't get no flowers, no romance, no attention."
"They are excellent at doing the communication part up front, but they are terrible in following through and giving us what they need in our community," he added.
As for Hillary Clinton and her husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, Jackson argued that many of the Clinton policies instituted during his presidency have been counter intuitive to the interests of the struggling black communities.
"Hillary and her husband actually helped initiate three-strikes-you're-out laws, they have actually helped create the environment in which young black men are being criminalized and put in jail. Instead of getting opportunities of retraining and education, et cetera," Jackson argued.
Although Hillary Clinton has proclaimed that "America never stopped being great," Jackson wondered how Clinton could consider America "great" if the country still has escalating racial tensions, which was most recently exhibited by the riots in Milwaukee this week.
Jackson argued that in order for America to solve the racial issues and other problems plaguing the country, the nation needs a "spiritual awakening."
"Ultimately, we need a spiritual awakening in America because of its sin," Jackson said. "Now if we promote, through unrighteous ideas like promulgating abortion … then we'll hinder God's process of restoration for the nation," Jackson said. "So, for me, anybody but Hillary's where I'm at because, just because her agenda is anchored in anti-biblical darkness, it is an ungodly ethos at the very heart of it, and Donald Trump is for free enterprise and he is for lift that will bring dignity to all people."