ISIS Killing Down Syndrome and Disabled Babies, News Report Claims

An Iraqi based group is declaring that more than thirty-eight cases of infants with congenital deformities and Down syndrome have reportedly been killed by ISIS after a Fatwa was issued by an Islamic State judge.
Mosul Eye, a news agency operating out of the region, declared that most of the children with disabilities threatened by the Islamic State are those of "foreign fighters who married Iraqi, Syrian and Asian women."
The Iraqi based news outlet is reporting that there has been more than 38 confirmed cases of killing babies between one week and three months who had congenital deformities and Down syndrome.
The reports, which originated from a single source, have not been confirmed by independent or government agencies.
The infants were reportedly killed by either lethal injection or suffocation in Syria and Mosul.
The Fatwa was issued by one of ISIL's Sharia judges, a Saudi named Abu Said Aljazrawi, according to Mosul Eye.
"As if it is not enough for ISIL to kill men, women and the elderly, and now, they kill children," they added on their Facebook page.
In June, the Christian Post reported on ISIS targeting, torturing, and killing disabled people.
According to the International Business Times and other media outlets, terrorists specifically targeted disabled people at the November Bataclan Theatre attack in Paris.
Former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin responded to the report on Facebook saying, "ISIS Declares Death to Children With Down Syndrome. Note to muslim terrorists: Over my dead body.
Sincerely, Sarah Palin."
Palin's youngest child Trig was diagnosed with Down syndrome before he was born in 2008.
In addition to targeting the disabled, ISIS has routinely targeted homosexuals by tossing them from rooftops and crucified children for not fasting during Ramadan.
In December, a mass shooting occurred at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California that left 14 dead. The center assists those with developmental disabilities. The two alleged shooters who later died in a shootout with police are believed to have had ties to ISIS or other Middle Eastern terror groups.
In the United States it is estimated that over two-thirds of pregnancies with a Down syndrome diagnosis are terminated, while in Europe the number of terminated pregnancies that involves a Down syndrome diagnosis is over 90 percent.