Ken Ham: Atheistic 'Sunday Assembly' Rips Off Church Like Nones Rip Off Marriage

Answers in Genesis CEO and President Ken Ham has accused the atheistic "Sunday Assembly" movement of hypocritically following its own religious dogma, while at the same time "ripping off" the best aspects about going to church.
"This philosophy — that everyone can make their own decisions and that no one should be told what to believe or where to get their rules — is a form of religious dogma," Ham wrote in an AiG blog post Wednesday.
"So, really, they aren't avoiding what they say they are. They have a dogma designed to suit their own religion. But as the devil does so many times, he takes what God ordains and perverts it. These 'nones' have ripped off marriage (by promoting gay 'marriage') and now 'ripped off the best stuff of church.'"
The Sunday Assembly group, which originated in London, has opened gathering spots across several American states. While mirroring a number of aspects of church, such as people gathering together, singing, and reflecting on community health and well-being, the Sunday Assembly rejects belief in God.
Back in 2013, British comedian Sanderson Jones, one of the founders of the group, explained that there are "so many things that I like about church, such as the community, and the singing, but there was one thing I didn't like and that was God."
Jones explained in a separate interview: "If you think about church, there's very little that's bad. It's singing awesome songs, hearing interesting talks, thinking about improving yourself and helping other people — and doing that in a community with wonderful relationships. What part of that is not to like?"
The gatherings have continued popping up in American states, most recently in Michigan.
"We like to say we ripped off the best stuff of church, but we do it without the religious dogma," said Lena Riemersma, one of the people who launched the Grand Rapids chapter, according to MLive. "We will not tell you what to believe and what book to get your rules from. You are free to make your own decisions."
Ham, who has often warned that the rise of secularism and nones abandoning the church is one of the biggest problems America is facing today, argued that the Sunday Assembly is being hypocritical in its beliefs.
"It is also fascinating to note that they are concerned with the health of their members and have a desire to generously give of their time and resources to each other. But why do they even bother with this when they believe that at death a person ceases to exist?" Ham asked.
"It's really illogical and inconsistent. These secularists actually have to borrow from the Christian worldview to be concerned about others."
The creationist argued that what such unbelievers need is "not the encouragement and companionship of meeting with other people," but Jesus Christ.
"They need to stop following Darwin's book and follow the real Book, God's Word, and understand the bad news concerning sin and the Good News concerning the Gospel," he added.