Ken Ham Warns Culture Is Following Miley Cyrus and 'Sexual Perversion' After Pop Star Calls Belief in Noah's Ark 'Insane'

Answers in Genesis CEO and President Ken Ham has warned that culture is following in the footsteps of pop star Miley Cyrus, who he accused of shaking "her fist at God" and promoting "sexual perversions." Cyrus recently slammed people who believe that the Noah's Ark narrative in the Bible is true.
"What parent would want their child looking up to someone like this today who now, as an adult, shakes her fist at God and promotes sexual perversion?" Ham asked on his AiG blog.
"Where Miley Cyrus is now in her thinking is where our culture is heading as more and more people abandon Christian morality based on the Bible and decide to make their own rules/laws. Yes, the culture is becoming like that described in the book of Judges."
Ham's comments concern the recent interview Cyrus did for Paper magazine, where she posed nude and talked about a wide range of issues.
The popstar talked about sexuality, revealing that she doesn't relate to being "a boy or a girl," and said that she is open to "every single thing that is consenting and doesn't involve an animal."
Cyrus also slammed people who literally believe in stories in the Bible, such as Noah's Ark, and said that such belief is "[expletive] insane."
"We've outgrown that fairy tale, like we've outgrown [expletive] Santa and the tooth fairy," she added.
The singer said that she was raised Christian, but "maintains a particular contempt for fundamentalist lawmakers who rally against this sort of progressive, potentially life-saving changes [for the LGBT] community."
Ham said that Cyrus is not just rejecting the biblical accounts in Genesis, but the entire "Ark of salvation" in Jesus Christ.
"Really, Noah's Ark is a picture of salvation. As Noah and his family went through a door to be saved, so we need to go through a door to be saved from sin and its eternal effects of separation from God," he added.
As for the pop star's comments on sexuality, Ham asked:
"Why not involve an animal? On what basis does she decide that? Besides, if there's no God and she's just a result of evolution, then she is merely an animal anyway. And those she interacts with sexually are just animals — so why not any animals? In other words, she has decided to draw a line for some reason — but what reason?"
As a possible answer he offered: "It's actually because in her heart she knows God exists (Romans 1), she knows she is different from the animals as she is made in God's image (Genesis 1) — and she has a conscience (as seared as it is because of her sinful rebellion) because the law is written on our hearts (Romans 2)."
The AiG president revealed earlier this week that the Ark Encounter project, which is building a life-size 510-foot-long repllica of Noah's Ark in Williamstown, Kentucky, is now open to the public.
"Visitors will have the thrill of witnessing firsthand the historic construction of Noah's Ark, being built according to the biblical proportions described in Scripture. Our guests will safely observe the Ark from a viewing spot just outside the actual hard-hat area. It will be their once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see an Ark being built, which will become the largest timber-frame building in the world," Ham said in a statement.