Korn's Brian 'Head' Welch to Release Film on Tumultuous Life, Career and Unconventional Faith

Guitarist and co-founder of the metal band Korn, Brian 'Head' Welch, announced this week that a new documentary chronicling his chaotic life which ultimately led him to his Christian faith will premiere during two film festivals in May.
"Loud Krazy Love" is an 86-minute movie directed by first-time filmmakers Trey Hill and Scott Mayo that will Feature exclusive access to Welch while on tour and at home, as well as in-depth interviews with the musician, his family, and bandmates.
The documentary will be featured at the Texas premiere in the Dallas International Film Festival May 3–10 and the Nashville Film Festival May 10–19. There will be multiple screenings at each festival.
"In my life I've done so many things I regret and wish that I could change," Welch said in a statement shared with The Christian Post. "It can feel haunting. But seeing my entire life with Korn and my family play out before my eyes in this film, and seeing the positive that has come from my most embarrassing and devastating failures — there are no words to express my gratitude. Our team created a very special film here, and I can't wait for the world to see it."
"Loud Krazy Love" features an inside look into Welch's past "sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll" lifestyle and how it impacted his identity as a father, which can be seen in the complicated relationship he shares with his daughter, Jennea. The film also takes viewers on a journey through the rockstar's chaotic life, doubt, and unconventional faith.
Production took place in a span of four years but showcases two decades worth of exclusive material of Welch, his family, and Korn.
"Loud Krazy Love" was produced by Samuel Ditore of Ditore Mayo Entertainment and John Humphrey of the popular Christian testimonial platform "I Am Second Media."
During an interview with CP at an event in Dallas celebrating the 100th film created by "I Am Second" in 2013, Welch spoke candidly about the lifestyle he left behind to follow Christ.
"All I know is that I was chasing all that stuff and it left me empty. And I was a complete empty shell — just totally like nothing inside. I had everything. I had the money; there was girls everywhere, all the drugs — pills, doctors' prescriptions, illegal drugs, everything. And it was just empty, so empty. And as soon as I went to church, I felt the love from Jesus. That's when I was fully satisfied. And I was totally done with everything in the world because I was satisfied inside, and I got filled up," Welch said.
Tattooed on the right side of Welch's neck is his favorite scripture: Matthew 11:28.
"'Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest,'" Welch quoted. "And that's Jesus' Words. And that was my scripture, it was popping up everywhere. I was so lost and He gave me rest for my soul; it's simple."
For more information about the film, click here.