Lecrae Talks Destructive Anger Against President Trump

Lecrae has been known to use his platform to speak out against social issues, but he wants to make sure people are not expressing themselves in a destructive way.
In an interview with Hip Hop N More, the 37-year-old "Blessings" rapper advised that people should seek to express their anger about things like President Donald Trump's policies in a constructive way.
"I think when it comes to anger, we should have constructive anger and not destructive anger. Constructive anger means you can get involved in policies, programs, publicity and do things that are constructive to change society," he said. "You volunteer, create programs, collect funds, do productive things. Destructive anger never gets us to anywhere."
For the rapper whose real name is Lecrae Devaughn Moore, destructive anger only ruins things.
"It's not the model, tearing up stuff and hurting people is not going to get us what we want in any circumstance unless we're talking about a war," he explained.
The rapper has been vocal on social media about speaking up concerning social injustic. However, he also admitted that some people were not interested in hearing this type of rhetoric from him.
"For a lot of people, groups, Christians included, issues are homogenized and so to be a Christian I'm either this staunch conservative Republican or I'm this tree hugging liberal," Lecrae told CNN last week. "You're stereotyped. It's almost assumed that people know what your issues are going to be."
Although he took part in the Ferguson, Missouri, protests after black teenager Michael Brown was shot by a white police officer in 2014, Lecrae admitted that he has received flack for it.
"It's unfortunate that myself, as a black man, cannot care about the issues that impact the black community without being seen as a race-baiter or without being seen as someone who doesn't care about any other ethnic groups," Lecrae told CNN.
For the rapper and head of Reach Records label, being Christian does not mean he cannot express his anger about issues impacting him in society.
"A Christian is noun. A Christian is a person. I function, I live life as a Christian and me living life as a Christian doesn't mean I'm a sanitized person," Lecrae told CNN. "It means that I readily admit I'm a jacked up person and I need a savior."