Megachurch Pastor Glen Berteau needs major organs to work after suffering massive heart attack

Glen Berteau, senior pastor of The House Modesto in California, suffered a major heart attack last week and now needs some of his major organs to work again.
The leader of the 8,000 member church suffered a major heart attack on Tuesday and ended up in the ICU.
Senior Associate Pastor Mike Trenton took to social media to notify everyone of the pastor’s condition with permission from Berteau’s wife, Deborah.
“He is still showing slight but continual improvement. The Doctor’s updates have expressed hope for a positive outcome. We need to keep praying for restoration and healing of the kidneys, liver, brain function, and more. There have been little signs along the way that give us hope to believe this will happen in Jesus name,” Trenton wrote on Instagram.
“By faith we believe he will recover and be 100% whole when he does,” he added.
In another online post, Trenton pleaded that people pray specifically for Berteau’s “kidneys and liver” to “begin to function normally. We are believing for a total healing and are praying to that end.”
Pastor’s across the country are actively praying for the California leader.
John Gray, pastor of Relentless Church shared a comment on social media declaring, “We are STORMING THE GATES OF HEAVEN ON HIS BEHALF! HE MUST LIVE TO TELL THE STORY! IN JESUS NAME! WE WILL NOT BE MOVED!"
Hillsong N.Y. leader Carl Lentz added, “I am praying. I love this man, his family and his church with you heart and soul.”
Trenton is also hopeful that his church’s senior pastor will recover because he has in the past.
“As I write this message to you, I am reminded of a message he preached after returning to the pulpit following his first heart attack several years ago. I believe he will preach it again, ‘Devil, Your Request Has Been Denied – Again!’ Trenton wrote on Instagram.