Menstruating Men and God Is Transgender: More Examples of Transanity

Have you heard about the Toni the Tampon who teaches children that men can get periods too? Or about the mother and son who are about to become father and daughter, or about the transgender pastor who teaches that God is transgender?
This morning, as I was planning to write this very article, I received three emails from three different friends in three different parts of the country, all with links to different news headlines on major news websites, all with one theme in common: radical transgender activism. In fact, the links were to the three stories I mentioned here. My reply to each person was the same: This will be included in my latest article!
You see, this is something that is knocking at our doors, not something we went looking for. This is something being reported in the NY Post and the Daily Mail, which are major news outlets, albeit with a touch of sensationalism. This is what our kids are dealing with in their schools, what's coming their way (and ours) via Hollywood, what's being disputed from the White House down to the local courthouse.
That's why I address these issues, and that's why I'll continue to sound the wake-up call to our nation: There is an all-out war on gender, and if it wins the day, it will lead to societal chaos.
But first, my standard caveat. We're not just dealing with issues, we're dealing with people. Some of them have biological or chromosomal abnormalities and are classified as intersex, and many of them do not fit conveniently into our simple male or female boxes. We should treat them with compassion and respect, helping them find wholeness, just as we would treat anyone else with a physical handicap or defect.
Others — perhaps the larger number and the more vocal — are not intersex and simply suffer from gender identity confusion (now called gender dysphoria, primarily due to political pressure put on the APA by transgender activists). They too deserve our compassion (who can imagine the pain they have lived with?), but compassion calls us to dig deeper and helps us get to the root cause of their struggles, with the goal being transformation from the inside out (rather than from the outside in).
So, I do not write to mock or to degrade others in their struggle. I write to say (in loud, bold terms): God has a better way!
Here, then, are 5 recent examples of transanity.
1. Dr. Susan Berry reports that, "The author of a children's coloring book has invented a character named 'Toni the Tampon' to instruct children that men can menstruate.
"Cass Clemmer, the author of The Adventures of Toni the Tampon, has been using her coloring book character to 'destigmatize' menstruation. Now, however, she also wants to 'de-gender' the female biological process and to persuade children that men get periods too."
Note to Cass: Men do not get periods, because menstruation is the result of ovulation, when the ovaries release an egg for fertilization. As explained by the Mayo Clinic, "If ovulation takes place and the egg isn't fertilized, the lining of the uterus sheds through the vagina. This is a menstrual period."
Fact: A man doesn't have a uterus or a vagina or ovaries or eggs, which is why men can't menstruate. Toni the Tampon is hereby corrected!
And sorry, Toni, but saying that a woman (especially one who still has her female organs intact and still menstruates) who identifies as a man is now a man is like saying that a woman who dresses up as her team's tiger mascot is actually a tiger. Not so!
2. An article on LGBTQ Nation announces that, "Father & daughter both come out as transgender, will transition together."
So, this is about a man and his daughter who now want to become a woman and a boy, right? Not at all. It's about a mother and her son who want to become a man and a girl, yet the article refers to them as "father and daughter."
On the one hand, I would encourage Christian conservatives to read this article, since it forces us to look at people and not just issues, and it's hard not to feel pain for these two as they share their stories.
It's not like they're perverted sinners engaging in all kinds of horrific acts. Rather, they both have struggled deeply with their gender identity, with the mother saying, "When I was younger I used to wish for cancer so I would have to get a mastectomy."
But compassion would say, "Let's find out why you have struggled so deeply with a being a woman," (and to the son, "Let's find out why you have struggled so deeply with a being a boy"). In contrast, confusion says, "The woman has become this child's father because she no longer identifies as a woman, and the son has become her daughter because he no longer identifies as a boy."
May God help this family.
3. The Christian Post reports that a transgender pastor who opposes Texas's bathroom bill teaches that "God is transgender."
This pastor argues, "In the beginning, God created humankind in God's image. ... So God is transgender. We're all created in the image of what is holy and divine and sacred, and we should all be treated that way."
I addressed this deeply mistaken notion last year in my article, "A Rabbi Claims That God Is Transgender," but in short, Genesis 1 does not teach that God is transgender (because He creates human beings in His image, male and female), any more than it teaches that God has sexual body parts or that He physically procreates.
Rather, it teaches that the fullness of male and female distinctives are found in Him, which does not mean that God is not transgender; rather, it means that He transcends gender. And so, while male pronouns are used to describe Him, and while He is called the heavenly Father (not Mother), He can be likened to a compassionate mother, because, as stated, as an eternal Spirit, He transcends gender categories.
More importantly — really, much more importantly when it comes to the bathroom controversies — in the beginning He created us as male and female and called us to procreate ("Be fruitful and multiply"), which only a distinct male and a distinct female can do. There is no ambiguity here, nor is there ambiguity regarding male and female distinctives throughout the entire Bible.
4. Over at College Fix, we learn that, "U. Minnesota drops homecoming 'King and Queen' — replaces with genderless 'Royals.'"
Yes, "The University of Minnesota has become the latest university to do away with the traditional Homecoming King and Queen titles and replace them with the gender-neutral 'Royals' term.
"Taking it one step further, University of Minnesota officials also point out that the winners don't even have to be one biological male and one biological female, stating on its website: 'Royals' ... can be any combination of any gender identity."
This kind of cultural insanity is so absurd that simply repeating these words is enough to expose the madness.
But there's more: "Campus officials called the change a move 'toward gender inclusivity' that promotes 'a spirit of inclusion at the University of Minnesota.'"
This is not "a spirit of inclusion"; this is a spirit of confusion.
5. Finally, an article on tells the story of "The Trans Women Who Become Lesbians After Years as Gay Men." (The article, which contains offensive language, actually celebrates this, noting that, "There aren't many people who are fortunate enough to have lived their lives first as gay men and later as lesbian women.")
So, this is the story of biological men, who then identified as women, but who discovered they were attracted to women, and who now identify as lesbians.
The better course of action would have been to identify as biological males (which they are) who are attracted to women, as the vast majority of biological males are. But no. These biological males who have normal attractions to women now identify as lesbians.
This is why I cite these examples of "transanity," and this is why I will continue to raise my voice. The madness must stop. God has a better way.