Moody Bible President, COO Resign Amid Controversy, Provost Retires

The president and chief operating officer of Moody Bible Institute have resigned amid controversy over the theological direction of the institution and allegations of shady administration practices, the school announced Wednesday. One of the school's provosts will also be retiring.
In an email sent to the Moody community Wednesday evening — that sources forwarded to The Christian Post — Randy Fairfax, the chair of the Moody Board of Trustees, wrote that they had "been discussing issues related to widespread concerns over the direction of Moody" and "accepted the resignations of President, Paul Nyquist; Chief Operating Officer, Steve Mogck; and the retirement of Provost, Junias Venugopal."

"Let there be no mistake that the board of trustees holds these three men in high regard for their ethical, moral, and spiritual leadership. They are godly, honorable men to whom we entrust to the Lord and offer our deep gratitude for their years of faithful service to Christ and to Moody. However, we are unanimous in our decision that it is time for a new season of leadership."
The board met Wednesday to discuss a variety of issues that have been raised by concerned students, alumni and staff in recent months.
Greg Thornton, senior vice president of media, will serve as Moody's interim president while the school searches for a permanent replacement, Fairfax wrote.
The resignations come as more information has emerged about the alleged culture of "self-dealing" at MBI, which was documented extensively by Julie Roys on her blog. Roys was the host of the Moody Radio broadcast "Up for Debate" and has been investigating several instances of malfeasance. The school let many beloved professors go in November, and the climate on campus has reportedly been tense.
Meanwhile, the website Broken Twig has been highlighting the lack of professionalism and liberal shift taking place at MBI, particularly in the Department of Urban Ministries, much to the dismay of some alumni who now say they will no longer recommend that students attend Moody because the Gospel has been so compromised institutionally.

Roys wrote that she attempted to address these and other problems she encountered through the appropriate channels to resolve things internally but got nowhere and had no choice but to disclose her findings publicly. Roys previously told CP that for too long wrongdoing had been swept under the rug at Moody and that it was time for "reckoning" despite being told she did not follow "protocol."
Moody fired Roys earlier this week; it was Thornton who notified her of her termination.
Roys wrote on her blog Wednesday: "I am heartened the board took this action, though as I reported yesterday, the problems at Moody extend to the board and some board members need to own their complicity and responsibility and resign too."
One Moody student who spoke to CP on condition of anonymity Wednesday night said he expects they will hear more about this in chapel service Thursday, adding that it will take time for the news and implications of everything that just happened to sink in.
"I'm sure there will be a split as there is anytime something of this nature happens, with some on either side of the fence," he speculated, adding that if Roys' allegations are indeed accurate, "it is a necessary change, and more students will hopefully accept it, and trust the leadership is moving MBI in the right direction."
Nyquist has been the president of Moody since 2009. Before that, he was the president and CEO of Avant Ministries, a Kansas City-based church planting missions organization, and had pastored churches in Nebraska and Iowa.