Parents Outraged Over 'Graphic' Sex Ed Plan 'Sit Out'

Frustrated parents across the nation are planning to remove their children from public schools later this month in protest of "pornographic" sex ed curriculum being taught under the guise of "anti-bullying."
The "Sex Ed Sit Out," which has been months in the making, is taking place on Monday, April 23.
The protest was launched by a few American mothers on social media who were troubled by the explicit nature of content in current sex ed resources used in public schools. As their coordination efforts gained ground, the initiative went global with demonstrations planned in Australia and Canada.
"Why are our tax dollars going to pay for curriculums and resources that teach dangerous and promiscuous behaviors which most parents find morally abhorrent and the CDC has stated are a health risk?" asked Elizabeth Johnston, who also known as The Activist Mommy and has over half a million followers on Facebook, in a press release about the upcoming protest obtained by The Christian Post.

"I kept stumbling across viral videos online of concerned parents sharing the graphic nature of sex education and anti-bullying curriculums. I personally homeschool my children but felt sorry for the parents who feel helpless to stop the stranglehold of special interest groups who are funding and pushing these graphic and dangerous programs in public schools," Johnston said in an email to CP Monday.
She and other concerned moms began networking together to launch a protest called "Sex Ed Sit Out"; they decided on April 23 because they were looking for a date in the spring in which most schools are in session before the hustle and bustle of graduations and proms began. The initiative's website outlines their objections to "gender-bending" and "pornographic" sex ed resources, the use of tax dollars being spent to fund such curricula, and the sexualization of children.
The parents behind this demonstration want to know why their kids are being taught the mechanics of anal and oral sex, how to masturbate, and to question their gender, which are among the things included in many sex ed curricula used today in public schools.
"We are uniting with parents across the globe to demand that our rights as parents be respected regarding the teaching of sexuality and sexual orientation," said Caryl Ayala, a former public school teacher and organizer of the protest in Austin, Texas.
Headlines in recent months have showcased the growing alarm among many parents over these issues.
Controversy ensued in August in Rocklin, California, after it became public that a charter school teacher had read "I am Jazz" and "The Red Crayon," two children's books aimed at teaching transgenderism to young children, to her kindergarten students during class at the end of the previous school year.
The teacher also reportedly reintroduced one of the 5-year-old students, who is biologically male, as a girl to the class. Rocklin Academy Gateway subsequently denied that it was a "gender transition ceremony."
Meanwhile, developments continue to emerge in Fairfax County, Virginia, outside Washington, D.C., where the school board is clamping down on the ability of parents to voice their objections to the controversial sex ed curriculum there.
Rhonda Miller, who is the education chairman of the Indiana Liberty Coalition and one of the protest organizers, noted that it is important to follow the money trail.
"Comprehensive sex ed is being rolled out across America, often sponsored by special interest LGBT groups like Human Rights Campaign, and disguised as anti-bullying programs," she said in the press statement.
"If it's not okay for special interest groups like the NRA to be buying classroom time to push their agenda, then how is it okay for HRC monies to be buying schools off to teach gender-bending ideology and anal sex tutorials?"
Johnston stressed: "Most parents believe sexuality is best discussed in the home with parents and are uncomfortable with the teaching of sexuality in schools. Furthermore, radical activists have begun teaching students to question their gender, thus placing an increasing number of students at risk for suicide, since 40% of gender-confused individuals attempt to commit suicide."
Most parents are simply unaware that groups like Planned Parenthood and the Human Rights Campaign are working in concert to further this kind of sex education and promote abortion in schools across the country, she asserted.
"There is no transparency with parents and downright deception being employed on the part of school administrators. Parents can't opt their kids out of the sex ed and anti-bullying programs when they don't even know they exist and when they are being rolled out across the curriculum in multiple subject areas," Johnston said.
Parents who are pulling their kids from public schools on April 23 will be gathering at various locations to hold press events to answer questions from media that day.