Parents Push Liberal Transgender Ideology on Young Children in New Viral Video

A new viral YouTube video shows parents discussing with their young children a range of complex concepts related to gender identity, such as calling a transgender child "they/them" and telling confused boys that even though they have a "weiner" they can be a girl too.
In response, prominent conservative evangelical advocacy organization Focus on the Family is instructing parents to address transgenderism early in their kids' lives as the new video "illustrates that the transgender issue has permeated every area of society."
The 5-minute video, which has been viewed over 145,000 times since it was published last Friday, was posted by the online multimedia organization Cut, which frequently produces videos for a series called "Parents Explain."
The May 4 video, titled "Parents Explain Gender," highlights families that currently have members who are non-binary talking about the reality of their gender identities and families that don't have non-binary members talking about what gender identity means.
In one part of the video featuring a dad with his young daughter, the daughter asks the dad, "When did you find out if I was a boy or a girl?"
"Maybe 15 minutes after you were born," the dad responds. "But, as I am learning, that was just the sex you were born. That doesn't mean that is the gender you are going to be."
The daughter protests by saying, "I am not a boy."
Dad: "How do you know that?"
Daughter: "You just know" and "you shouldn't have to think twice."
Dad: "I think there are people that feel like society is telling them they can't be what they feel they are, so they do second guess."
As for another family — a mom and two young sons — they somehow get on the topic of "weiners."
"So if a person with a weiner said, 'Hey, I'm a girl.' What is that person?" the mother asks.
The younger son responds by saying "girl." The older son says "boy." The younger son then adds, "a female," to which the mother nods in agreement as the older son laughs.
Later on in the conversation, one of the sons asks what happens if someone forgets if he or she is a boy or a girl.
The mother replies, "There are people who don't really identify as a boy or a girl. They are in that middle space. So you could be super woman, like really girly, or super manly. Then there is probably a lot of us who are just kind of floating somewhere in the middle."
At one point in the conversation, one son asks: "How many genders are there?
The mom answers: "infinity?"
Her clearly confused looking son then responds: "What?"
When the mom asks "Is this confusing?" the two sons say "yes" and "very."
The video also shows a mother, who said she felt like a boy when she little, with her two young daughters, one of whom identifies as non-binary.
The mother explains that the non-binary daughter wore dresses and went by "she/her" when she was in kindergarten.
"They wanted me to be a different gender," the child says.
"They didn't want you to be a girl?" the mother asks.
The child tells the mother that "people were being mean."
"Now, I'm they/them," the child says.
The older sister states: "People should call you your actual gender — they/them, she/her, he/him or none."
Cut has also produced such videos as "The Birds and the Bees," "Parents Explain Masturbation" and "Parents Tell Kids How They Lost Their V Card."
Jeff Johnston, issues analyst for Focus on the Family, told The Christian Post that the video shows that Christian parents need to be proactive with their children when it comes to transgender issues.
"The subject can't be avoided, so we encourage parents to be prepared and have a plan for addressing this with their children," Johnston told CP in a statement. "Parents can lay a foundation of truth with their children even before they encounter transgender ideology. Moms and dads can begin by teaching basic biblical truths about God's good design for humanity, explaining that God created humans male and female in His image. Both are good; both are valuable — but they are distinct."
Focus on the Family has resources available to help parents encounter the topic. There is one article on the organization's web page titled "Talking to Your Children About Transgender Issues." Another resource helps families respond effectively when "their family is affected by transgenderism."
A study from the United Kingdom's National Health Service found that the number of children being referred to gender identity clinics has quadrupled in the past five years, the Telegraph reported last July.
Some activists and experts, such as former U.K. Department of Education adviser Chris McGovern, believe the rise in the number of children going to those clinics could be a result of the promotion of transgender issues in schools.
"Encouraging suffering children to adopt a transgender identity does them no favors. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5, as many as 98 percent of gender confused boys and 88 percent of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty," Cathy Ruse, the director of the U.S.-based Family Research Council's Center for Human Dignity, said in a statement to CP.
"It's no mystery why many feminists are speaking out against the transgender movement. I'm in favor of telling little girls that it's really okay to be a girl," she added. "That you can be any kind of girl you want to be. You don't have to be a boy to be happy or fulfilled."