Paul Wilbur warns Christians not to believe dangerous theologies about Jews

Well-known Messianic worship leader Paul Wilbur has spent his life singing worship songs that have led both Christians and Jews to a knowledge of the loving Savior and now he’s sharing advice for believers concerning dangerous theologies about the Jewish people.
Wilbur has sold over 3 million albums globally and his latest album, Roar From Zion, is another work of music infused with biblical content meant to point the listener to what he believes is God's heart for His people God.
"For the Christian today, certainly worship, pray, and realize that the plan of the enemy is to keep the Jew from the Gospel, because Jesus said in Matthew 23:37: 'You'll not see me again Jerusalem, until you say, 'Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.' On every one of my albums, that line is somewhere to get the Christian to be saying it and also any Jews who are singing along, welcoming Him back as the King of the Jews to take up His place,” Wilbur told the Christian Post in a recent interview.
He then offered advice concerning the attitudes Christians espouse toward the Jewish people.
"The only tool that the enemy really has that's effective in the world is fear and doubt and unbelief. Love casts out fear. So if we say that we love the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob but we don't love Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, do we really love the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?” he asked.
Wilbur further detailed beliefs that have created a wedge between both communities.
"The church needs to really self-examine the roadblocks that have been put up over the years to the Gospel for the Jew, like, replacement theology,” he said, noting that replacement theology, the idea that “all of the Church now gets all the blessings of Abraham,” is one of those barriers.
“That's one of the biggest roadblocks for the Jew because it keeps the Christian from praying, from believing, from loving the Jewish community. It's just seeing them as a bunch of lost folks who had their chance, blew it, and now all those blessings are mine,” Wilbur added, calling it an approach many Jews are turned off by.
The next problem he highlighted is dual covenant theology. Dual covenant theology is the belief that the Old Covenant/Law of Moses is valid for Jews alone and the New Covenant/New Testaments teachings apply to non-Jews alone.
"The dual covenant theology is just as bad," Wilbur stressed. "It teaches to leave the Jews alone, they have a covenant with God through Abraham. But what is that covenant to Abraham? That covenant through Abraham is not for salvation, it's for the land. God said I'll give you this land, look to the north, south, east, that's the Abrahamic covenant. The covenant of salvation comes through Israel's Messiah, Jesus, the King, we've got to have blood for atonement.”
Wilbur recorded his new album Roar From Zion last September during the Feast of Tabernacles and the 70th anniversary of the rebirth of the State of Israel. The new album, which is now available, serves as a "prophetic praise" he hopes will impact people around the world with a message that reaches beyond cultural, social and political borders.
“The church should just simply take a covenantal understanding look at the Word of God, and the place of the Jew, and that God's promises are yes and Amen. He's the same yesterday, today and forever,” Wilbur maintained. “He will do what He says, the promises are all over this new project Roar from Zion.”
“Even in the prologue,” he added, “[it says] I'll take you out of the nations, I'll bring you back into your land, I'll pour clean water on you, I'll forgive you, I'll re-establish, restore you, I’ll heal you, I'll deliver you, I'll save you, says the Lord over and over and over again because of the blood of the covenant,” he emphasized.
Wilbur passionately affirmed that Jewish people will never know or believe unless someone imparts with them what the Bible actually says.
“Now we're in Romans 10:14 with the Apostle Paul: ‘How can they believe in the one that they've never heard, and how can they believe unless they hear, and how can hear unless someone preaches, and how can he preach, unless he's sent?'”
“We see that the force of Scripture has always been focused on this remnant of people that God made promises to 4,000 years ago. And He is determined to keep those promises. Then we see Israel in a whole different light,” Wilbur concluded.
Wilbur’s Roar From Zion released by Venture3Media, is now available along with a companion DVD of the live worship experience recorded at The Pavilion in the heart of Jerusalem, Israel.