Pro-Life Advocate: Closure of Some 54 Abortion Clinics Since 2010 Mostly Due to Stricter Health, Safety Regulations

A former Congresswoman and pro-life advocate believes that the closure of at least 54 abortion clinics since 2010, as reported by The Huffington Post, is due to stricter sanitary and health regulations more than anything else.
"They've (abortion facilities) been closed by health departments or they have closed by their own volition because they cannot meet safety standards," Marilyn Musgrave, former U.S. Congresswoman (R-Colo.) and vice president of Government Affairs for the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, told The Christian Post in a Thursday interview.
Stricter regulations for abortion clinics, passed in several states, have raised the requirements for facilities offering abortion service to women.
Musgrave paraphrased the words of a doctor she spoke to this Summer. "Why would you have any woman receive a medical procedure without an anesthesiologist or a blood bank available?" the doctor asked. "Of course that's reasonable – something can go wrong!"
"If women are going to go to clinics, they deserve the greatest care we can provide," the former Congresswoman argued. Many clinics close because the director doesn't want to invest the money to make the procedure safer, she claimed.
"Abortion is about money, making money off of vulnerable women," Musgrave declared, charging that Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, opposes safety standards because they make the business less profitable.
In the high-profile case of Kermitt Gosnell earlier this year, an unlicensed staff administered a lethal dose of a pain killer, Demerol, to a Nepalese refugee, Karnamaya Mongar. In May, Gosnell was convicted of involuntary manslaughter of Mongar and three counts of first-degree murder involving four babies born alive.
Musgrave said "Gosnell is just the beginning – we have a long list of them on our website."
She mentioned another case involving a Delaware clinic, where two former Planned Parenthood nurses denounced "meat-market style, assembly-line abortions." A third later joined them, denouncing the abortion provider for attempting to discredit their testimony.
On a brighter note, Musgrave said medical innovations have made women safer in the last few years. "It's just science," she said, from ultrasound technology to surgery on unborn babies. In Philadelphia, the city where Gosnell's facility is located (she refused to call it a "clinic"), doctors operate on babies in the womb, healing them of various maladies in the medical breakthrough of fetal surgery.