Ray Comfort Explains Why Hitler, 'Sweet Old Non-Christian Lady' Both Deserve Hell

Evangelist Ray Comfort, who is known for tackling atheists' challenges to Christianity, has suggested that God would not be unfair if Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and a "sweet old lady" who never turned to Jesus both end up in Hell.
Positioning the atheist argumentComfort said, "God is unfair in that Hitler and a sweet old lady (who never trusted in Jesus) will both go to Hell."
The evangelist responded to the argument by stating, "The Bible speaks of degrees of punishment. Everyone will get exactly what they deserve; and this includes young people who have grown old. Time doesn't forgive sin."
In a follow-up post still on the same subject, he said that some atheists argue "my God would never create Hell."
Comfort insisted, however, that "idolatry is the sin of making up our own god."
"The God of creation is the One we must face, and He warns that ultimate justice will ultimately be done, no matter what we do or don't believe," he maitained.
In another instance earlier this week, Comfort said that God can not be compared to human judges.
"God is infinitely more just and holy, and He warns that He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished," he wrote.
The Living Waters ministry founder has talked often about the subject of God's punishments and Hell this year.
In February, he said that God does not have to justify Himself for wiping out most of humanity in the Great Flood, bar Noah and his family, which is often cited as a very problematic story in the Bible by atheists.
"Everyone will die, because the judge of the universe has proclaimed our death sentence," Comfort argued at the time. "We are the ones who need justification, not God, and we can be justified through repentance and faith in Jesus because of what He did on the cross."
In January, he said that people who have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ will not go to Hell solely for that reason, however.
"No one will go to Hell because they haven't heard of Jesus. They will be condemned for murder, rape, adultery, fornication, lying, stealing, etc," he wrote.
"Put your concern for others to hear the Gospel aside for the moment. If you died right now you will justly end up in Hell. I would hate that to happen to you. Get right with God and become a missionary, if you really care about the lost."
Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship church in Riverside, California, and other church leaders have echoed such thoughts. Laurie said in August 2016 that God would not be sending people who have never been exposed to Jesus to Hell.
"You're going to be held accountable for what you know, not what you don't know," the megachurch pastor said at the time.
"But to the point: the testimony of God is everywhere. It's in nature, it's all around us, the handiwork of God. Then there's the human conscience that tells us what right and wrong really are. God will judge you accordingly," he added.