Ray Comfort Says Atheists Can't Be Trusted in 'Positions of Authority'

Evangelist and best-selling author Ray Comfort declared that atheists cannot be trusted with political authority, as seen with historic examples.
In an interview last week on the radio program "Janet Mefferd Today," Comfort said "you can't trust an atheist in a position of authority."
"Atheists have caused 110 million deaths in the last hundred years. Stalin, 60 million, he was an atheist. Mao, 40 million, and he was an atheist. Pol Pot, 1.7 million, he was an atheist. Vladimir Lenin, 5 million people slaughtered, he was an atheist," said Comfort.
"They may be nice people when you meet them in the street, but you give them power to do what they want and carry out their own agendas and you're gonna find that they don't have any moral high ground to stand on 'cause they're not standing on any whatsoever."

Comfort also spoke about his efforts to witness to atheists, including both at the most recent Reason Rally in Washington D.C. and online in various debates.
"What we have to do is move away from the intellect when we share with an atheist and speak directly to his conscience, because that conscience is on our side," continued Comfort.
"Atheism is stupidity. It's crazy. It's like being in a building and saying there's no proof there was a builder. It's like looking at a painting and saying there's no proof of a painter."
Comfort's comments on atheists in authority came weeks after the release of his latest book, Fat Chance: Why Pigs Will Fly Before America has an Atheist President.
Published by New Leaf Press in June 13, the short book focuses on the topic of atheism, including "what atheists are doing to the once great country."
"This is a book that you can give to your partying and boozy neighbor, your likeable but unsaved Uncle Fred, or the Christian mom who is grieved that her beloved church-going son has turned atheist," notes the book's description.
"America is having a revival of atheism, and is being swallowed by moral darkness. This book is a small but powerful light."
According to a Pew Research report released in January, 51 percent of American adults surveyed said they would be "less likely" to vote for a presidential candidate who did not believe in God.
"The new survey confirms that being an atheist continues to be one of the biggest perceived shortcomings a hypothetical presidential candidate could have," reported Pew.
"Indeed, in the eyes of the public, being a nonbeliever remains a bigger drawback than having had an extramarital affair (37 percent say they would be less likely to support a candidate who had been unfaithful), having had personal financial troubles (41 percent say they would be less likely to support a candidate who had had financial struggles), or having used marijuana in the past (20 percent would be less likely to support a former pot smoker)."