Shocked by Joshua Harris' statements, pastor removes foreword from book

The author of a book on fighting pornography addiction announced that the foreword that was written by Joshua Harris will be removed from future publications.
The removal from Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Graceis due to Harris’ recent announcement that he is separating from his wife, is no longer a Christian and now supports same-sex marriage.
“I reached out to Zondervan and asked that Joshua’s forward be removed from future publications of my book,” said Heath Lambert, who leads First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, in his blog. “They have agreed, and are taking immediate action to accommodate my request.”
It was in 2013 when Harris, author of the best-selling I Kissed Dating Goodbye, agreed to write the foreword to Lambert’s book. Lambert was “ecstatic” because he was a fan of Harris’ Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is). He was grateful that the popular author would take time to contribute to his book.
But earlier this month, Harris told the public that his marriage would be ending due to “some significant changes” in both him and his wife. A week later, he shocked the Christian community again with the update that he has experienced a “massive shift” in his faith and is “not a Christian” anymore. He also said he regrets opposing same-sex marriage and not affirming those in the LGBT community.
Saddened and shocked, Lambert said he “knew there was no way for me to continue to have his forward be associated with my book.”
“In Finally Free I am trying to be clear about a Christian approach to sexuality. Joshua’s recent actions and statements only confuse that attempt at clarity and will lead others astray,” the Jacksonville pastor stated.
In the foreword, Harris endorses the book as “thoroughly biblical and sharpened by grace” and says Lambert provides tools that are effective in breaking people free from pornography.
Lambert remains grateful to Harris for helping him sell tens of thousands of copies and said he reached out to Harris before making his decision on the foreword public.
“I also communicated my concern for him,” he added.
“Of course, that concern is what is most important here. Much more is at stake in all of this than names on the covers of books. Joshua’s statements are of grave concern for his soul, and are sobering for all of us who name Christ and have appreciated his ministry.
“If this can happen to Joshua Harris, how much more do I need to heed the warning of Hebrews [3:12], and take care to avoid an evil, unbelieving heart? How much more care do you need to take?” Lambert said, describing Harris as “the man who summoned an entire generation to purity.”
“Let that sink in, and pray for Joshua Harris. The Lord knows Joshua’s heart. Was Joshua a Christianized unbeliever who never knew Christ? We do not know, but God does. Is he a Christian who has fallen into grievous sin, and is in need of restoration? We do not know, but God does.
“What we do know is that Joshua Harris is in absolute spiritual peril. He needs our love, and he needs our prayers. He has mine, and I trust he will have yours as well.”
In 2016, Harris apologized for the advice he gave in I Kissed Dating Goodbye and called it a mistake. With that, publication of the book was discontinued.