This Is Easily One of the Most Emotional Auditions These Judges Have Ever Seen!
A man steps on stage and shares a song dedicated to his best friend who recently died. Josh Daniel was ready to make his mom proud and sing his song, but no one expected anything this powerful. He absolutely sweeps everyone in the crowd off their feet, including the judges!
Josh takes the stage and in front of millions delivers a heartwarming and powerful audition that would move anyone listening. For those who have ever lost someone, keep a box of tissues handy while you watch this one. Josh sings "Jealous," and as the last performer — which adds a lot of pressure — he delivers to his fullest potential.
Even Simon is left in tears, and he's known to be the most stern of all the judges. This is just an unbelievable performance from start to finish!
Check out this live audition on X-Factor below: