Tim Tebow: I’d rather be known for saving a lot of babies from abortion than winning Super Bowl

Tim Tebow was the keynote speaker at Kansans for Life’s annual Valentine's Day banquet held this month, and the former NFL quarterback-turned-Minor League Baseball player said he'd rather be remembered for helping save babies from abortion than for winning the Super Bowl.
According to NRL News Today, Tebow spoke at the Overland Park Convention Center for the pro-life event "LIVing in Victory," which was themed after this year’s Super Bowl LIV.
"It really does mean a lot more than winning the Super Bowl," Tebow said of being there and speaking out for the lives of the innocent. "One day, when you look back and people are talking about you and they say, 'Oh my gosh what are you going to be known for? Are you going to say Super Bowl, or we saved a lot of babies?'"
The 2007 Heisman trophy winner directed those in attendance to join the “rescue mission.”
“You know why we call it a rescue mission? Because when we say that, it puts a timeline on it," he explained.
"When's the last time you heard a rescue mission taking place in a month or a few years. No, a rescue mission means now. It gives you a sense of urgency. It says we have to go not because it's our time but because it's their time … I have to live a sense of urgency because while I might have time, they don't," he continued.
Tebow shared that the issue of abortion is a personal one for him because his mother was once encouraged to abort him. The athlete and his mom shared their story in a 2010 Super Bowl commercial for Focus on the Family. He recounted the story at the banquet.
"You see, my mom 32 years ago had doctors tell her she needed to abort me because if she didn't, it was going to cost her life. And they didn't even believe that I was a baby," he recalled. "They thought I was a tumor.”
The Florida native added, "When I was born, they found out the placenta wasn’t actually attached. So the doctor looked at my mom after 37 years of being a doctor and said, ‘This is the biggest miracle I’ve ever seen because I’m not sure how he’s alive.’ … I’m so grateful that my mom trusted God with my life and her life.”
The recently married 32-year-old joked that his parents prayed he’d grow up and be a preacher but instead got a quarterback. However, Tebow has used his influence to spread the Gospel. From outwardly praying on the field or wearing "John 3:16" on his eye black while in pro football to sharing about Jesus in most of his mainstream interviews, Tebow has been using his platform to promote his Christain values.
“What you’re doing here matters," he concluded. "You’re fighting for life. You’re fighting for people that can’t fight for themselves. And my question to you is: Are you willing to stand up in the face of persecution, in the face of adversity, in the face of criticism, when other people are going to say it’s not worth it, when other people won’t stand beside you?"