Tony Evans hosting virtual Good Friday to urge men to covenant with God, heal nation in crisis

Pastor Tony Evans is issuing a clarion call to men on Good Friday to covenant with God for the advance of His Kingdom and the healing of the land amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
The vision for the "Kingdom Men Calling" online gathering was originally set in motion as a result of Evans' ministry to men, in part based on his book Kingdom Man, in which he challenges men toward biblical, godly manhood. The event will be streamed on Evans' Facebook page at 8 p.m. CT.
When COVID-19 hit, the longtime pastor Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas recalled the specific emphasis he placed on Exodus 34:23-24 in which God speaks of gathering men to appear before the Sovereign Lord in order to save the land.
"Given that the land is in trouble, that when men will covenant with God we can get God to intervene in our situation," Evans explained in a Thursday phone interview with The Christian Post.
"When men fail it opens up the door for cultural collapse," he stressed.
At the end of the gathering, every man who is interested will be invited to receive free downloads to continue further study of what covenanting with God looks like, specifically as it relates to manhood.
"We have plenty of religious men, we don't have covenanted men, plenty of even Christian men who are not aligned underneath this word called covenant," Evans says in a video promoting the gathering.
Asked to elaborate on what he means by "biblical manhood," Evans explained that what he calls a "Kingdom man" is a man who consistently lives all of life under the rule of God, reflecting God's ways in every area of life.
"And the word that God uses to signify that level of commitment is the word covenant, and a biblical covenant is a divinely created relational bond. When God established a covenant, He established it so that men would relate to Him, would come under His authority and reflect His word and His will in all of life," he told CP.
Yet when men abdicate that position underneath God then the things they are responsible for become shaky, he added. When men fail in this way, every sphere of culture disintegrates.
"The whole point of a biblical man is that he out-serves the woman who he is responsible for. He is not a tyrant, not a dictator. He is a superior servant. And because he is a superior servant, he is reflecting Jesus Christ and that gives him legitimate, not illegitimate authority."
He also pointed that that "many men have not been fathered correctly, so they don't know how to be the right kind of husband or father."
"For many men it's not their fault, because they just don't know," he lamented.
"We want to serve men to be servants."