Two Men Quote the Bible From Memory in 24 Hour Marathon to Raise Money for Nepal

Two men will be quoting the Bible from memory to raise money for charity to benefit the earthquake recovery in the Asian nation of Nepal.
Tom Meyer and Jason Nightingale of Wordsowers International will begin their marathon memorized recitation of the Bible at noon Wednesday and conclude at the same time the following day.
The event will be held at Shasta Bible College in Redding, California, which will be livestreamed by the academic institution.
In an interview with The Christian Post, Meyer explained that "100 percent of the funds go to Nepal" and "donations can be made online at"

This is not the first time that Wordsowers International has done such an event, as the organization identifies itself as a ministry of "oral interpretation" of Scripture for the Church.
"We have done similar events in the past but none of them have been streamlined online before. We tell the Bible as the sermon from memory weekly as a full-time ministry," Meyer told CP.
"Since the event is streamlined at we're hoping for thousands and thousands to view online. Also people are welcome to personally attend the event at Shasta Bible College in Redding."
One example of Meyer's efforts include a December 2011 event at Imperial Community Church in Southern California, wherein the Wordsower quoted the entire book of Revelation.
Taking about an hour to do so, Meyer had an audience of about 30. He has traveled to several other churches and delivered similar performances.
"I like this, this idea of the orality of Scripture and not just taking out a verse and breaking it apart and talking about it, but letting the actual oracle of the Word of God do the speaking," Meyer told CP back in 2011.
Wordsower's charitable endeavor comes on behalf of the East Asian country of Nepal, which last month endured a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that has already inflicted over 7,200 fatalities in the small nation.
"The United Nations estimates that more than 3 million people are in need of food assistance — and nearly half of those need it immediately. Emergency funding of $415 million is needed," reported CNN.
"[Nepal Finance Minister Ram Sharan Mahat] said the quake had completely or partially destroyed nearly 300,000 houses."
Found in 1974 and based in Salem, Oregon, Wordsowers International describes itself as being an organization with "The Word of God in loving action."
"To challenge the Church of Jesus Christ to display the love of God by speaking the Scriptures, and by living out the Scriptures through compassionate ministries to orphans, widows, refugee and street children throughout the world," reads its Facebook page mission entry.