UFO sighting tourist destination becomes 'sanctuary city for the unborn'

Roswell, New Mexico, the southwestern United States city famous for a 1947 incident that some claim involved an alien spaceship crashing to earth, has passed a resolution “in support of the unborn.”
The vote came the same week that the New Mexico state senate rejected a pro-abortion bill.
Roswell’s city council voted last Thursday in support of Resolution 19-28, known as “A Resolution in Support of the Unborn.”
The resolution states among other things that “each and every innocent human life is unique and precious to God,” “innocent human life must always be protected and preserved,” and that “the protection of all human life is important to the people of the City of Roswell.”
“… innocent human life, including fetal life, must always be protected and that Society must protect those who cannot protect themselves,” resolved the City Council, stressing their “opposition to any diminution by the New Mexico Legislature of the limitations on abortion.”
“Be it further resolved that the City Council honors the rights of healthcare providers to object on moral grounds to performing abortions and opposes any regulation or law seeking to violate that right.”
The pro-life group Abortion Free New Mexico celebrated the passage of the resolution, declaring that Roswell has become “a sanctuary city for the unborn.”
Roswell’s resolution appears to be modeled off of a resolution passed by the Lea County Board of County Commissioners last month, though the County resolution did not include a call to protect conscience rights for healthcare providers.
Both resolutions came in response to the New Mexico legislature considering a measure to repeal an unenforceable statute criminalizing abortion.
Supporters of the repeal bill sought to remove the statute from state law in response to a possible overturning of the United States Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade in the near future.
“The provision of abortion care won’t change, but we know it’s at risk,” stated ACLU of New Mexico spokesperson Ellie Rushforth, which supported the repeal, as reported by the Santa Fe New Mexican.
Although the repeal passed the state house, last week the New Mexico Senate killed it in a vote of 18-24, in which all 16 Republicans and 8 Democrats rejected the pro-choice measure.
New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham denounced the state Senate’s vote to keep the statute, calling it an “embarrassment.”
“This old, outdated statute criminalizing health care providers is an embarrassment. That removing it was even a debate, much less a difficult vote for some senators, is inexplicable to me,” stated Grisham, as reported by the New Mexican.