Abortion: A response to the 'who will take care of the kids after they're born' argument

In the midst of the heated battle of pro-life and pro-choice, we hear a familiar conversation played again and again in a loop.
“I believe life begins in the womb, therefore I believe abortion is murder.”
“Well, how many children have you adopted?”
The argument takes a quick turn to child welfare; can you imagine how quickly a mouth would shut and ears would open if the pro-lifer replied,
Actions truly speak louder than words. People want to see their opponent back up their statement with action. Jesus said it this way,
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”Matthew 5:16
Child welfare is the Achilles heel of many pro-lifers. If there is no action behind our belief our voice will be squandered by a foghorn of mockery from the Left. It makes you angry, does it not? Your blood starts to boil and your heart rate spikes, but you don’t have any verbal ammunition left.
One of the best examples of a “belief grounded in action principle” is seen in the gun debate. We find a pundit from a liberal media outlet (so every news station) advocating stricter gun laws. The only worthy opponent is the pro-gun veteran, who grabs the microphone and thumps the pundit on the head and makes his pro second amendment case. Now, not every veteran advocates for gun rights, but those who do have the stand.
Why are veteran’s opinion highly respected?
Their actions speak louder than their words. One who gave up their self, who sacrificed, has earned the right to speak.
We see it played out Biblically,
“And being found in appearance as a man, he (Jesus) humbled himself by becoming obedient to death even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name.” Philippians 2:8-9
In the New Testament, James also makes a point that faith without action is dead.
“Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,’ but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?” James 2:15-16
Does this mean you can’t fight against abortion if you don’t foster or adopt? Absolutely not. We need everyone to raise their voice against the evils of abortion. The point is your voice becomes amplified if there’s action behind it.
One of the most lack-luster, fact-less statements liberals use is that conservatives protect the child in the womb and then reject it once it’s born. All one must do is look to a Christian adoption agency to flip that argument on its head or Christian homeless shelters.
When someone has a story it’s difficult to argue with them. One of the main arguments the pro-choice proponents bring to the table is child welfare. If we let the child live who will take care of it? They quickly turn their aim at conservative policies and the hypothetical Christian.
Pro-choice supporters do have a valid point, child welfare is a priority, however that doesn’t give them a right to kill the child before it’s born. This does not stop them from rallying behind this stance. The main way to disarm this is to be involved in child welfare.
If you have a heart to save the child in the first place, let it carry through to supporting them as they grow older. Sadly, we have a foster care problem, we have a fatherless problem, we have kids becoming victims of the system and pro-choicers use this as ammunition.
Church, this must not be. We have enough resources and we have Christ at the helm. The best weapon we have against abortion is our action and the pro-choice argument’s weakness is conservatives being charitable in child welfare.
The pro-choice argument falls apart by the numbers with rape and incest cases, it falls apart by the numbers where pregnancy endangers the mother. However, it has a glimmer of merit in child welfare and this must not be.
What does action look like?
Focus on the kids! There are a lot… a lot of children foreign and domestic who need help. They need basic resources like food and clothes, they need mentors, they need parents. It could be as simple as signing up once a week to be a mentor. Maybe you’ve always had an interest in fostering or adoption and it’s time to explore.
When my wife and I took on fostering one of the biggest life-savers were those who volunteered to watch our kids. We were going crazy with four kids...crazy. It was those who raised their hands to take our kids for a few hours who helped us and they were helping the kids.
It’s not only within the borders of the United States it’s outside as well. You can donate time to go overseas to help with impoverished nations who barely have money to run orphanages.
However if time is something that is limited, you can donate money. All organizations need funds or they can’t operate. It could be organizations like, Home of Hope, who supports orphans in Lebanon. It could be here in the States, donating to Foster Care, monetary donations are what keep organizations alive, it’s the gas that keeps them operating.
The way we save unborn babies is not only supporting pro-life causes it’s supporting children in need. It’s horrific that our nation is allowing such atrocities. Behind the mask of, “women's rights” millions of innocent babies die. If we want to win this fight we need to disarm every argument our opponent has.
Church, we live in a time where millions of children need us to save them; let us not only be keyboard warriors but let us be warriors in action.
How much stronger will our case be if we can say,
“Don’t kill that baby, and yes, I’m willing to do my part to take care of it.”