Fox News’ shameful promotion of transgender horrors

Fox News' shameful promotion of the trans-ing of a child in a purportedly family-friendly light in celebration of pride month has outraged its viewers, many of whom are Christian.
"America's Newsroom" host Dana Perino last Friday introduced viewers to a California family and their trans-identifying teenager, a girl claiming to be a boy named Ryland. Fox correspondent Bryan Llenas featured their story, saying trans issues are being "politicized" and that "people are afraid of what they do not understand." This particular family claims to be both Christian and conservative and wanted to inspire others with their journey of accepting their trans-identified child, who reportedly started showing signs of gender confusion at a very young age.
Having diligently covered these issues for over five years at The Christian Post, the manipulation was hard for me to stomach. Anyone who has been paying attention to these issues has come to expect this kind of deception from legacy media but it was stunning to see it on Fox News.
Indeed, most people in the West are scandalized when they learn that when children are prescribed hormone blockers to halt their natural puberty it not only leads to stunted bone growth but when combined with cross-sex hormones, it almost certainly guarantees permanent sterility. They are also horrified to discover that when young females take synthetic testosterone for a few years it leads to uterine atrophy and they will likely need a prophylactic hysterectomy. I’ve personally watched the color drain from people’s faces when I tell them how surgeons are harvesting forearm tissue from troubled young women to fashion non-functional penises.
Young males are being ensnared in this too. As Dr. Marci Bowers, a doctor who has performed thousands of trans surgeries admitted to Matt Walsh in his recent eye-opening documentary film "What is a Woman?" boys as young as 16 are undergoing vaginoplasties. That particular surgery requires the removal of the boy’s genitals and the carving of a cavity in his crotch that must then be dilated regularly in order to remain open. Surgeons routinely use a swatch of bowel tissue in an attempt to make the boy’s nether regions look like female private anatomy.
The rising numbers of young “detransitioner” males who regret undergoing these gruesome procedures post on sites like Reddit and Twitter to explain how the operation left them miserable and mutilated and, unlike an actual vagina, the surgically-created cavity fills with fecal bacteria.
But you’ll never know about any of this if you consume only legacy and corporate media.
Meanwhile, desperate parents are imploring journalists at prominent publications to cover this burgeoning medical scandal. They are watching in anguish as teachers, counselors and therapists brainwash and induce the slow-motion dissociation of their children. And they are watching as endocrinologists induce the chemical disintegration of their children.
They are watching as they are referred to as unsupportive or bigoted for questioning the supposedly settled science of pumping their children full of untested hormonal agents for a psychological condition for which they’ve never been formally approved and are being used off-label. They are watching as Sweden, Finland, the U.K., France, (and to a lesser degree Australia and New Zealand) urge greater caution and move away from this controversial treatment protocol while the U.S. and Canada appear to be proceeding full-speed with these Big Pharma-enriching experiments.
Having engaged with countless parents on this issue, I can tell you that they love their children and would die for them. Some of these parents are very liberal politically and never before watched Fox News until this madness invaded their home. Now they are questioning everything and are hoping against hope that this conservative-leaning corporate media company will more thoroughly cover these issues that have ruptured their families.
As a distressed New Jersey mom put it to me recently, and this is a paraphrase: “I used to despise Tucker Carlson and Fox News but I appreciate him and that channel now because they’re just about the only ones sticking up for my gender-confused kid.”
Last night, during an interview with Irreversible Damage author Abigail Shrier, Carlson showed a clip from an upcoming Tucker Carlson Originals documentary highlighting the horrors of experimental gender medicalization.
Dare we ask if Fox News is putting out a trial balloon by promoting the trans movement on its daytime and weekend news shows or is it insidiously strong-arming its audience into going along with this madness under the guise of tolerance?
To anyone reading this, but especially to the producers at Fox News, my question to you is this: How many is too many?
How many children, teenagers and young adults have to wind up sterile, with destroyed sexual function, brittle bones, fractured psyches, and surgically disfigured bodies? How many are you willing to tolerate before you rethink what you’ve done with that monstrously manipulative segment?
And how many of you are going to go along with the demands of the PRIDE crowd just to show that you’re socially acceptable? You do realize that some of the most strenuous critics of this ideology are radical feminists, many gay men and lesbians, and other ardent Left-wingers, no?
It’s a national disgrace that any of these experimental gender practices have been allowed to happen to one child let alone the thousands who have now been irreversibly harmed. When this mass psychosis spell finally breaks over our society, and I believe that day is coming soon, I will be among the few not surprised by the vast scope of the carnage.
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