If you’re concerned about a radical dominionist takeover of America, look to the left

I do not for a moment downplay the danger of the radical, rightwing ideologies of White supremacists in America. Nor do I deny the existence of a dominionist, takeover mentality in some Christian circles, the most extreme of which were put on display in the days leading up to January 6, 2021. But the real danger, the ever-present danger, the more pressing danger, is that of a radical dominionist takeover from the left. The evidence is all around us.
Consider for a moment what is currently happening in America today (as opposed to predicting what is to come). Which group is currently asserting its power over others in an intimidating, even life-threatening way?
The Daily Wire reported on June 13 that, “Multiple Target stores across the U.S. received bomb threats over the weekend for allegedly ‘betraying the LGBTQ+ community’ by tamping down on some of the Pride Month products sold in its stores due to massive backlash the company has faced.”
Yes, “The FBI is now investigating the bomb threats that have been made in stores located in Oklahoma, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Louisiana, Ohio, Utah, and Pennsylvania.”
More ominously, a June 11 headline in Daily Mail announced, “The new face of extremism unmasked: The UN and Republicans are watching ‘Trantifa' — the hard-left transgender activists who flirt with violence to promote their radical agenda.”
Trantifa! Enough said. Even the UN is on the alert.
On the economic side, a 2017 video has emerged of Larry Fink, CEO of the investment firm BlackRock, which directs tens of billions of dollars to different businesses and organizations.
Without apology — to the contrary, with a clear sense of moral imperative — Fink said, “Behaviors are gonna have to change and this is one thing we're asking companies. You have to force behaviors, and at BlackRock we are forcing behaviors.”
He continued, “It’s just, you have to force behaviors and if you don’t force behaviors, whether it’s gender or race or just any way you want to say the composition of your team, you’re gonna be impacted and that’s not just not recruiting it is development.”
Does this help to explain the increasingly illogical, pro-trans, business decisions made by companies like Target and Anheuser Busch?
So, it goes from Trantifa terrorism to an economic superpower “forcing behaviors.” Are you getting the picture? (According to Fox Business, BlackRock “owns shares in everyday companies such as Amazon, Apple, MasterCard, Johnson & Johnson, Walmart and Walt Disney Co.”)
Not only so, but Breitbart reported on June 11 that, “Billionaire left-wing Democrat donor George Soros is handing control of his $25 billion financial empire to his younger son Alex who has vowed to pursue even more ultra-liberal causes.
“The newly crowned 37-year-old heir told the Wall Street Journal he will broaden his father’s famously woke interests to include issues like voting and abortion rights as well as ‘gender equality.’”
Looks like a few more arms are about to be twisted (or even bribed or coerced) through money.
In California, legislation is advancing that would remove children from parental care if the parents refused to affirm their child’s perceived gender identity. Talk about an Orwellian nightmare.
Deeply alarmed after the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 8-1 to advance the legislation (Assembly Bill 957), Republican Senator Scott Wilk said, “In the past, when we’ve had these discussions, and I’ve seen parental rights atrophy, I’ve encouraged people to keep fighting. I’ve changed my mind on that — if you love your children, you need to flee California. You need to flee.”
Flee! This is how extreme the radical left is becoming. This is the dominionist takeover that should be feared.
For those who would argue that the right is doing this very thing by passing legislation outlawing the chemical castration and genital mutilation of trans-identified children, the comparison breaks down immediately.
California would remove children from parental care if the parents refuse to affirm the non-verifiable, often quite malleable, totally subjective, feelings of a child. (In point of fact, upwards of 80% of such children will outgrow those feelings after puberty.)
The laws being passed in conservative states outlaw performing lifelong, irreversible treatments on vulnerable children, tests which have not been fully tested regarding the long-term negative effects (in particular, the long-term, negative effects of puberty-blocking hormones and the like; we already know about the long-term effects of genital mutilation; that is self-evident).
The California law would punish parents for being good parents; the other laws would prohibit doctors from being bad doctors.
In that same spirit of dominionist takeover, President Biden, in the context of trans-identified children, recently reaffirmed a comment he had previously made in April, saying, “There’s no such thing as someone else’s child. No such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children.”
It’s one thing to say, “We want to work together as a country to care for all our children.” It’s another thing to say, “Your children are also our children.” But that is what leftist dominionism looks like in action. Your kids belong to us!
As for dissenting speech, that too must be punished swiftly.
As reported on MSN.com on June 13, “Not even video games are safe from the all-encompassing and increasingly unhinged culture war over LGBT issues. Recently, a streamer and gaming personality known as ‘Nickmercs’ faced widespread backlash online and even had his merchandise deleted from “Call of Duty” in response to some seemingly innocuous comments about LGBT-related issues.”
Just how innocuous were the comments?
In short, “violence erupted between activists on opposing sides of a controversy over a Glendale, California, school board and its decision to embrace Pride Month celebrations. Another prominent gaming personality, ‘Puckett,’ commented on this news on Twitter and said, ‘Americans are in a sad place right now. Let people love who they love and live your own life.’”
To this Nickmercs replied, “They should leave little children alone. That’s the real issue.”
And that was it. Away with you! Banned! Canceled! Deleted!
That’s because, for more than two decades now, radical LGBTQ+ activists who came out of the closet have been determined to put those who oppose their agenda into the closet. You shall not dissent!
In that same spirit, Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Anthony Bass was dropped by his organization, in part because of an Instagram post “that called for anti-LGBTQ boycotts of Target and Bud Light over their support for the LGBTQ community and referred to the support as ‘evil’ and ‘demonic.’”
Although he deleted the post and apologized for any hurt he had caused, he did say he stood by his personal beliefs.
That, of course, was unacceptable. Conform or be gone is often the rule, as the legendary pitcher Curt Schilling can tell you (he was fired by ESPN in 2016 for his “transphobic” posts).
And, once more, in that same dominionist spirit, Lamda Legal tweeted on June 11 (quite boldly and clearly), “PRONOUNS AREN’T PREFERRED. THEY’RE REQUIRED.”
Did I say already it’s a matter of “conform or be gone”?
That’s why, as reported by the ADF, 12-year-old Liam, a student at Nichols Middle School in Middleborough, Massachusetts, “was punished by the school for wearing a T-shirt that says, ‘There are only two genders.’”
How dare he!
Of course, other students can wear all kinds of “Pride” affirming clothes. But the moment someone pushes back with simple biological reality, a forbidden line is crossed. Little children, who belong to the state, you shall not dissent!
All this, of course, is the tiniest tip of a massive, decades-old, ever-growing iceberg, in response to which more and more Americans are saying, “Enough is enough.”
But let the truth be told clearly: we don’t have to wonder about an alleged, dominionist takeover coming from the radical right. It’s already here, in force. And it’s coming from the radical left.
Dr. Michael Brown(www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book isWhy So Many Christians Have Left the Faith. Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube.