Kamala Harris and late-term abortion: A cold-blooded abomination

President Ronald Reagan said, "We cannot diminish the value of one category of human life, the unborn, without diminishing the value of all human life." And Alveda King said, "Abortion and racism are both symptoms of a fundamental human error. The error is thinking that when someone stands in the way of our wants, we can justify getting that person out of our lives. Abortion and racism stem from the same poisonous root, selfishness."
Jesus loves preborn babies and little children. Jesus said, "whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matthew 18:5-6).
Visualize a 6-lbs. preborn baby girl who is within a week of being born. And then picture an abortionist viciously destroying the life of this defenseless child who was made in God's image. How could anyone who supports the barbaric practice of late-term abortion have the love of God in their heart?
Let's face it. A vote for a candidate who supports late-term abortion is a vote for late-term abortion itself. I do not believe that a person who is forgiven of their sins would ever deliberately cast a vote for late-term abortion. If the Holy Spirit is living in you through faith in Jesus, you abhor late-term abortion. It is a brutal act of cowardly aggression against the most helpless among us, which is why Christians find it repulsive to vote in favor of such a heinous atrocity. And of course, many non-Christians are also appalled at the reprehensible practice of late-term abortion.
Newsweek published an op-ed last week that stated, "Vice President Harris has also refused to condemn late-term abortion. Progressives in the U.S. have advocated in the halls of Congress and in state capitols to allow late-term abortion up until the moment of birth ... nine U.S. states plus D.C currently have laws with no week restrictions — a standard more radical than most of liberal Europe and on par with countries such as China and North Korea."
And in an interview last week, Bill O'Reilly said that Kamala Harris is "the most radical abortion person this country has ever seen. She believes that you can abort an unborn child up until birth. That means five minutes before. There are only three countries, non-communist countries, in the world that allow that. Three, Canada, Holland, and Singapore."
Catholic News Agency recently reported that Kamala Harris "became the first sitting vice president to visit an abortion clinic in March" where "she praised abortionists and chastised pro-life lawmakers who voted to put limits on abortion." And Joshua Arnold noted that Harris has held more than 90 abortion events across 21 states over the past two years.
Late-term abortion, like terrorist attacks against women and children, is a cold-blooded abomination. How could anyone who supports such merciless slayings claim to know God? Christians loathe these savage assaults, and especially the painful and violent ambushes by abortionists against preborn children who are within just days of birth.
A presidential election in the United States typically involves two main candidates, both of whom have plenty of sins in their past. Christians follow their conscience when choosing to vote for either, or neither, of these two sinners. Some Christians are able in good conscience to vote for Donald Trump, while other Christians would have to violate their conscience to vote for Trump.
But when it comes to Kamala Harris, there is one issue that stands above all others, and it involves the most vulnerable among us. If Kamala Harris were to repent of her support for late-term abortion, she could then potentially choose to show compassion for all preborn children and accept her responsibility to protect babies in the womb.
Independent presidential candidate Robert R. Kennedy Jr. said he supports abortion "even if it's full term." Compare his dreadful position on this crucial issue to these wise words from Dr. James Dobson: "From conception to our final breath on this earth, all life is a sacred gift from Almighty God. It must be cherished in our hearts and protected through our actions, both in our capacity as individuals and also through our laws and policies as a nation."
David penned this profound passage of Scripture about the Lord as the Creator of life: "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:13-14).
Every follower of Christ feels compelled to help protect people who are defenseless against ruthless invasions, and especially those precious children in the womb who are so close to entering the world.
Dan Delzell is the pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Papillion, Nebraska.