Leftist ‘faith leaders’ twisting Bible to support wasteful gov't spending

We’re seeing a society become unhinged … again. Trump has quite a way with the radical Left. They absolutely hate him and DOGE, and they lose it by the hour. Now they’re burning Teslas (so much for climate care), raging in hotel lobbies and on college campuses to defend Hamas supporters, and cursing up a storm at rallies.
It's not just paid activists and politicians jumping into the resistance ring; it’s leftist “faith leaders” too. Recently, nearly 100 “progressive” religious folks signed a letter demanding an unbiblical “Return to Jesus.” The Lent letter demanded that hundreds of millions of dollars of wasted taxpayer dollars continue to flow to (leftist) NGOs.
Funny. I don’t recall the Bible ever advocating that government fund the Church. I don’t recall Jesus demanding the government take care of the poor and the needy and ensure justice for those being crushed. Oh, wait, that’s because that’s the Church’s job. But a social justice worldview sees forced taxpayer funding of (leftist) faith-based organizations (despite massive taxpayer fraud and little to no accountability) as good stewardship.
This is what happens when social justice and critical race theory supplant Scripture. It’s all Marxism masquerading as Christian theology. According to the letter, stopping runaway spending of our hard-earned dollars is a form of “racial discrimination.”
Here's why being biblically literate matters. People from all kinds of backgrounds and political persuasions manipulate the Word to fit their agendas. People who love God and the advancement of His Kingdom (and not some political Party’s agenda), however, submit to the Word and abandon their agendas. Sadly, these leftist Christian leaders do the former as they strangely mesh Mark 11 and John 19 into a false narrative to politically attack the current administration: “As we anticipate this sacred season, and Holy Week to follow, let us recall the humble procession of our Lord on a donkey, confronting the imperial, autocratic power of the Roman Empire, with its domestic religious collaborators. In that conflict, the manipulated crowd cried out ‘We have no King but Caesar.’”
First, Jesus didn’t ride in on a donkey to confront the Roman Empire. Our Messiah wasn’t a political revolutionary. He was a spiritual one. Second, these 100 “faith leaders” are the religious collaborators who are manipulating the public as they demand that we all bow to the State.
The State will provide. The State giveth (to NGOs) and the State taketh away (from taxpayers).
The letter begins with the admonition: “Defending the vulnerable and opposing unjust decisions are faith-rooted commitments we must examine during Lent.” Who is more vulnerable than the unborn? “Faith communities can be lights shining in the darkness, and truth-tellers to power, based on our proximity and relationship to the most vulnerable children of God who we are especially called to love.” No proximity is any closer than the relationship between a mother and her unborn child. But truth-telling about the violence and exploitation of abortion doesn’t matter to these so-called “faith leaders.” Nearly every one of the signers is radically pro-abortion: Jim Wallis (Sojourners), Shane Claiborne, Bishop Claude Alexander (Evangelicals for Harris), Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson (Children’s Defense Fund), Dr. Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker (AME Church) and so many more.
Jim Wallis
One of the signers, Jim Wallis, is the founder of the pro-abortion “faith-based” magazine Sojourners. In an article he penned about abortion he asks: “Is Common Ground on Abortion Possible?” Let’s see. Is common ground possible on slavery? Sex trafficking? Domestic violence? Clearly, abortion resides in a different moral space for liberal Evangelicals. And of course, the sole example he gives for advocating abortion’s legality is rape. Never mind those cases constitute less than 1% of all our nation’s tragic million annual abortions. Are those lives worth less? I was conceived in rape but adopted in love. Shouldn’t Christians believe in a God who can enable triumph to rise from tragedy?
Rev. Adam Taylor
The President of Sojourners seems to have no regard for the most vulnerable human beings. In his response to the Dobbs ruling, Taylor opines: “Now is the time to rededicate ourselves to protecting the reproductive rights of all people. Everyone deserves equal access to the full range of reproductive healthcare services, including safe and legal abortion.”
Dr. Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker
A member of the Social Action Commission of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, a predominantly black denomination, Dr. Jacquelyn Dupont-Walker is also pro-abortion. The AME church repeatedly denounces “white supremacy” and racism while adamantly supporting it in the form of systemic abortion — the number one killer of black lives. When the Dobbs decision was handed down by the Supreme Court, Dr. Dupont-Walker signed an official (and bizarre) statement from the AME, declaring: “This decision puts millions of women’s lives in danger and threatens the civil rights of all people. We will not let the retrogressive politics of one extremist political party strip away the rights for which our fore parents died.” Nobody’s parents died so that someone’s child could be killed by abortion. “We must stand together against all forms of racism, xenophobia, and white supremacist misrepresentation of biblical faith.” Every one of those words is a misrepresentation.
Shane Claiborne
I remember sitting in a meeting with a bunch of liberal Evangelicals in DC a few years ago. Claiborne was part of it. One of the most ridiculous things said during that weekend conference was that a pro-life ethic included advocating for cage-free chickens! Claiborne et al were not interested in my challenge to the group to see abortion as an injustice equivalent to slavery. Quite frankly, most of them didn’t see it as an injustice at all. Claiborne only advocates against late-term abortions (which comprise less than 4% of all abortions), explaining: “To me, the broad framework for that is for abortion to be legal and safe, and for us to work to make it rarer and rarer, and to limit abortion in the later term.”
Should slavery have been safe, legal and rarer and rarer? These “faith leaders” probably would’ve demanded so.
Ryan Bomberger is the Chief Creative Officer and co-founder of The Radiance Foundation. He is happily married to his best friend, Bethany, who is the Executive Director of Radiance. They are adoptive parents with four awesome kiddos. Ryan is an Emmy Award-winning creative professional, factivist, international public speaker and author of NOT EQUAL: CIVIL RIGHTS GONE WRONG. He loves illuminating that every human life has purpose.